101 in 1001

These are 101 goals I’d like to accomplish in 1001 days. To learn more, read my original post!

December 27, 2013- September 23, 2016

1. Get a 4.0 (one semester)- This is now impossible, as I am finished with school. Oops!

2. Go to New York

3. Read the entire Bible

4. Get a job 5/2014

5. Get a real job OR get into law school  5/2015

6. Buy Tory Burch flats

7. Provide a meal for someone in need

8. Publish something

9. Travel somewhere new

10. Make 15 new Pinterest recipes

11. Get 1,000 blog followers

12. Get a sponsor for my blog

13. Host a fundraiser for a nonprofit

14. Graduate from Texas A&M 5/16/2015

15. Get a kitten

16. Go to the gym regularly for two months. 8/2014-present!

17. Make a donation to Texas A&M

18. Tithe regularly 5/2014-present

19. Live off the 10-10-80 plan 5/2015-present

20. Get my own apartment where I pay my rent. 5/23/2015

21. Buy something really nice for my parents

22. Host a dinner party

23. Finish decorating my school apartment- Again, no longer possible.

24. Make dinner for Todd & Kate

25. Crochet an afghan

26. Clean my parent’s entire house for them

27. Buy a suit 1/1/2014

28. Blog every day for a month (minus weekends)

29. Clean out my makeup bag 12/30/2013

30. Buy a KitchenAid mixer

31. Deep clean my room at home

32. Read “Love Does” by Bob Goff

33. Give “The Case for Christ” to someone who could use it.

34. Go 24 hours without complaining.

35. Once I have a job, go 1 month without buying something unnecessary for myself, and save the money instead.

36. Go on a trip with Kinsey

37. Audition for a theatrical production

38. Start & keep up with a prayer journal

39. Start & keep up with a “Line a day” calendar for 1 year

40. Get a plant & not kill it

41. Print off my favorite pictures to display 6/2015

42. Clean out my jewelry/clothes/shoes collection 5/2015

43. Read 20 books

44. Turn my blog into a personal brand

45. Save $1 for every goal completed

46. Make my t-shirt quilt with high school tees

47. Stay off social media for one week straight

48. Go paleo for 1 month

49. Join at least 1 pre-professional organization.

50. Finish this list 12/29/2013

51. Learn to prepare vegetables in a way I actually like  4/2014

52. Learn a lifetime fitness activity  7/2014

53. Get my Starbucks Gold Card (and maintain it) 2/18/2014

54. Get a career-boosting internship 5/2014

55. Tell someone about Jesus

56. Make a new friend in every new class

57. Go to Washington, D.C. again

58. Volunteer at Children’s Medical Center

59. Learn more about my heart defect

60. Give a speech in public

61. Grow my hair long enough to donate

62. Memorize a Bible verse a week for a year

63. Interview/apply for a job in another state 4/2015

64. Get a “big-girl” purse 8/2015

65. Bring a real, live boy to at least one date function per semester 5/2015-Okay, I at least asked.

66. Hold a successful conversation in Spanish

67. Rip reindeer antlers off a random vehicle

68. Leave an interview actually feeling confident 4/2015

69. Be able to intelligently discuss current events 11/2014-present

70. Take the LSAT

71. Save & maintain at least $500 in my savings account 8/2015

72. Get my Aggie ring 4/11/2014

73. Go to an away Aggie football game

74. Make a plastic bag basket

75. Make  a “Pinterest Successes” board on Pinterest

76. Write at least 1 teacher per semester a thank-you note

77. Invest in 2 more good cookbooks 3/2016

78. Use my crockpot once a month (while at school)

79. Introduce myself to each one of my professors

80. Buy new music for iTunes 7/2014 (I got Spotify instead…that counts.)

81. Take the Floral Design class (for fun) UGH no longer possible.

82. Organize my craft box so it’s not such a mess

83. Clean out my bookshelf  1/5/2014

84. Try 3 new College Station restaurants

85. Participate in a philanthropy 5k (GlOW, Kappa Kolor) 2/22/2014

86. Find maroon jeans that fit

87. Keep my part of the fridge clean (HAHAHA)

88. Be done with Candy Crush (either get tired of it or finish it)

89. Make a fancy brunch every finals week for my roommates/friends.

90. Give the best MOH speech of all time at my sister’s wedding

91. Bake something once a month

92. Conquer my fear of dogs

93. Find a new devotional book 4/20/2014

94. Have more roommate dinners

95. Knit a scarf 3/12/2014

96. Determine what my passions are

97. Paint something for inside my closet

98. Find someone who will go two-stepping with me

99. Learn to command respect rather than just attention.

100. Write down all the recipes I come up with myself

101. Reflect on how these challenges & goals have made me grow as a person over the past 1001 days.

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