WorkIt Wednesday- Get Out of My Face.

Hey Cats!

As we speak, I’m catching up on The Bachelor, since it’s during my sorority meetings on Monday nights. It’s only been about ten minutes, but all I have to say is that these girls are super trashy. I’m not even sorry, and if it turns out like Juan Pablo’s season I may have to stop watching. I mean, that’s probably an empty threat, but please class it up, ladies. I digress.

Today on WorkIt Wednesday, we’re going to talk about my hair. And a little bit about yours, but mostly mine. I like to believe that I have really nice hair, and I like to wear it down most of the time. However, there is nothing more annoying than having it all in your face when you’re trying to be active. For eample, when I was a cheerleader, we would sometimes wear our hair down and straight to basketball games, because you know, everyone cared about how we looked standing in the corner squealing and dodging referees. I just remember a few times where I threw tumbling passes and thought I was going to DIE because my hair whipped over my eyes and I couldn’t see which way was up and everything was moving so fast. Ever since then, I’ve been a little judgy when I see girls with their hair down at the gym. I mean, your hair looks great, but does it not inhibit your workout? Maybe it’s just me, but I like my gym hair like I like anyone’s sass but my own- out of my face.

Here are some of my favorite accessories for a few different hair situations at the gym:

1. Clean Hair

I get it. Sometimes it’s Day 1, and you don’t want a ponytail bump or headband crease. On these days, I’ll just pull my hair back with an extra stretchy hair elastic, like these from Ulta. I like these because they don’t give me a ponytail bump, and they hold pretty well, too.


Sometimes I leave it at a ponytail, but other times I need a headband so the wispies don’t get in my way. I’ll wear a loose-fitting, cloth headband so my hair doesn’t get too greasy, and so I don’t get a headband crease! I have a similar pair of headwraps from Icing, and they’re great for keeping your hair out of the way but still allowing you to wear it down the next day!



2. Day 2 Hair

This is when you’re going to wash your hair before you have to look presentable again. I usually use one of the hair ties above, and pull my hair back with a thin headband. These from Under Armour are my favorites, because they have grips on the reverse side that keep them from sliding down your face while you’re running, because that poses a real problem.


3. Day 3 Hair

This typically occurs on a Saturday, when you definitely should have washed your hair the night before, but you either went out or you just didn’t feel like it, and your hair is greasy and beyond ratchet. The only option for this day? Put on a hat and cover that mess up. This is also a good option for when you don’t want to talk to anyone: just pull the brim down low enough and go on about your day. I have quite a few hats that I wear, mostly with a Texas A&M logo, but my favorite is my monogrammed camo hat from Mandy’s Monograms. It says “I’m pretty cute, but I’m also not messing around”.

photo (51)


So there you have it. Multiple ways to keep your luscious locks out of your face whilst breaking a sweat. Now that I’ve shared this with you, you have no reason to be “that girl” whose hair is the only thing getting a workout. Learn it, love it, live it. And it’s Wednesday, so don’t forget to #werkIt.

That’s all for meow!

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Recipe-Baked Egg & Broiled Grapefruit Breakfast

Hey Cats!

It’s class day for me! I love only having school two days a week because it gives me the illusion that I have copious amounts of free time, but it’s a little hard to switch gears every day! I’m hoping that I will get used to it soon. Per usual, I’m trying to start the semester off strong by staying on top of my work, which is going surprisingly well- mostly because I know I’m going out of town this weekend and I’ll have to finish my online assignments before the weekend if I’m going to get them in on time! So we’ll see how long this lasts.

One thing I like about my schedule this semester is that I have time on the days I go to work to take my time in the morning. I can blog a little, maybe have two cups of coffee, and cook breakfast if I wake up early enough! Most important is cooking breakfast, obviously. I have a new favorite recipe that I’ll be sharing with you today. I made it almost every day over Christmas break, and it’s just soooooo good.


Something about baking an egg makes it extra delicious. And you can add lots of toppings to make it even better! Here’s what you need:

-1 egg

-spices of your choice (see below for my favorite combos!)

-Cheese of your choice

Here’s what you do:

1. First, pre-heat your oven to 350.

2. Spray a ramekin, coffee mug, or muffin tin with cooking spray. I prefer using a ramekin, but we don’t have any at my apartment, so I experimented with both a coffee mug and a muffin tin. The coffee mug made me nervous and got super hot, so I think the muffin tin is the way to go. Plus, if you want to make more than one, it would work well!

3. Crack an egg into the ramekin. Season with salt & pepper.

4. Next, add your spices and cheese. Here are a few of my favorites:

-dill and parmesan cheese

-sriracha or hot sauce and cheddar cheese

-crushed red pepper flakes and cheddar cheese

5. Bake for 12-15 minutes, or until the egg is cooked all the way through. Sometimes I like my yolk a little undercooked, but you should definitely make sure the white is cooked through. You may have to poke through the cheese, but please make sure it’s safe to eat- I don’t need to feel guilty about any of you contracting salmonella.

6. Enjoy!

You’ll also notice that there’s a broiled grapefruit in the photo. This is a great addition to a balanced meal, not to mention it’s really yummy. Here’s what you need:

-1 medium grapefruit

-1-2 tablespoons brown sugar

Here’s what you’ll do:

1. Set your oven to High Broil.

2. Cut your grapefruit in half and place cut-side up in a pan (I just use a circular cake pan).

3. Sprinkle a little brown sugar on each half. I use closer to 2 tablespoons, and I like to make sure it’s spread evenly over the flesh of the fruit.

4. Broil for 3-5 minutes, or until the fruit is bubbly. Just be sure to keep an eye on it, it burns very quickly!

5. Enjoy!

Honestly, I probably wouldn’t make both of these things on a school morning- this is more of a Saturday breakfast. But you should definitely try it out! And if you think of any other cheese/spice combos for the eggs, let me know- I’m always looking to switch it up!

That’s all for meow!

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Monday’s Musings

Hey Cats!

Sorry for the abrupt end of posts last week! I really had every intention of keeping up the pace, and I even had posts planned for the rest of the week, but I had multiple meltdowns about school and I got really busy trying to figure out my new schedule, so unfortunately things did not go as planned. But when do they ever. I wish I could promise to keep posting regularly, but sometimes school and life gets in the way unexpectedly!

Last week was my first week back to school, and it was okay- not my favorite first week ever. I only have class on Tuesday and Thursday, but I work Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I actually really like that I don’t have to work and go to school on the same days! I’m not super excited about any of my classes, but that’s okay because there’s not very many of them. Also, I dropped a class on Thursday so now I only have two classes on campus, and the other two are online. Which some people would love, but I tend to forget about online classes, so we’ll see how this goes. Other than class, it was really nice to get back into a routine, and I can’t wait until next week when all of my activities start up again!

One thing I’m really horrible at is making important decisions. Actually, I usually know what the right decision is, but I have a really hard time implementing it. I’m always asking myself “but what if?” and second-guessing whether or not what I think is the right choice is actually the right choice. Like I said, I usually know what I should do, but I always have a hard time convincing myself, especially if it’s something that seems really permanent or final. I came across this quote recently, and I think it’s perfect for those times when you’re in a tough spot:




Sometimes we need the wisdom, but most of the time we just need the courage. It doesn’t matter if you know what you should do if you’re still too afraid to do it.  Whether it’s dropping a class,  changing your major, or ending things with your not-boyfriend, sometimes you just need an extra push to actually do it. That can come from encouragement from your friends and family, through prayer and spending time in God’s word, or it can just hit you like a ton of bricks and you know you literally do not have a choice- it must be done. So the next time you find yourself in a situation where a tough choice is in front of you, I would encourage you to pray not only for wisdom, but for the courage to act on it.

That’s all for meow!

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Apartment Inspiration- Living Area

Hey Cats!

Today is my last first day of school…maybe forever! When did I get so old? Honestly, I’m a little bit sad. The first few days of classes are always so exciting, you get to see what all you’ll be learning about that semester, and maybe make new friends! It also makes me really nervous, because I see everything that I have to do during the semester- I have a tendency to not take things one step at a time and get unnecessarily overwhelmed. I actually did that this weekend, before classes even started, so hopefully I will have calmed down by the time I actually get in the classroom.

Anyways, over the past month or so, I’ve been thinking a lot about my “big girl” apartment that I’m going to get when I graduate and move to an unknown city, which I will pay for with a job I do not yet have. Some may call this counting your chickens before they hatch, but I call it being excited. In my room at school, I have a blue, gray, and dark purple color scheme that I really love, but I would like to shake it up a little. I have a picture in my mind of a gray or neutral
couch with black and gold end tables and other furniture, and bright jewel tones as accents. I want it to be a colorful, fun, and cheerful place! It’s kind of hard to explain, but I’ve found endless inspiration on Pinterest. This isn’t my entire Home board, but a few of my favorites that capture what I’m going for!









That’s all for meow!

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Monday’s Musings

Hey Cats!

Happy Monday! And it’s extra happy for those of us who have today off! I definitely need this extra day to get my ducks in a row before I go back to school! I realized last night that I don’t have any pens or notebooks and folders for my classes. Oops. I also have a few other errands to run, and other chores I’ve been putting off all week. Yay for the last minute!

Last night I met up with some of my friends for coffee, and we had a great time! They are always so encouraging, and I’m so thankful to have them in my life. We don’t get together as often as we would like, but I always really look forward to hearing about and celebrating each other’s accomplishments and goals. Since this is our last semester, we talked a lot about jobs, future plans, and all of the upcoming changes in our lives. We discussed that it can be a little scary, but it’s also a really, really exciting time, and that made me think of this quote:


It can be scary to not know what’s ahead, but as my friends and I discussed, we don’t have anything to be afraid of. This is a very exciting time in our lives, and it’s a good time to do things we’ve never had the opportunity to do before, or won’t always have the opportunity to do, like go move to another state or travel around. Being brave with your life can mean lots of different things. It can mean taking a job in a new town, or taking a temporary internship in an industry you’re dying to work at. It can mean jumping at every chance for a new adventure, or it can mean taking a step back to re-evaluate your priorities. It can mean putting yourself out there to make new friends, but it can also mean recognizing that true friendship is a rare find. For me, being brave with my life means trusting that God will fulfill His promises to me, even if that happens in a unique way. It also means being confident in my abilities at work, school, and even here on my blog. Being brave is investing time and effort into new friendships at the tail end of my college career. It also means not settling even when I’m not sure when another opportunity will come along. Whatever being brave with your life means to you, I encourage you this week (and this year and forever) to do that, and remember that you don’t have anything to be afraid of!

That’s all for meow!

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Friday’s Five

Hey Cats!

Happy Friday! I have both today and Monday off from work, so I’m super excited about this extra-long weekend! I’m going to blog, catch up with friends, and cry because the stuff on my syllabus looks dreadful. I really like school, but I’m honestly ready to be #done. Pray for me, I will need it. This isn’t to say that I’m not a little excited about school…it will be nice to get back into a routine, since all I’ve done over the break is lounge around. But I’m not sure I’m ready for how busy I’m going to be! I digress.

Anyways, here’s what I’m loving this week:



Man Repeller has done it again. Their article on The Schlep is basically my life. I know I don’t live in NYC, but if you’ve ever seen me frantically walking across campus with my backpack, tote bag, and excessive outerwear, you know that I schlep. Especially in the winter, because it’s hard to carry everything when my arms are extra puffy from my coat and I can’t really move my head very well because my scarf is suffocating me. For example: on Wednesday, it was 39 degrees and I had to walk across campus to get to work. Naturally, I wore fleece leggings under my dress pants that need to be re-hemmed, a sweater, my long (knee-length on regular people, longer on me) coat, and a chunky scarf, and was lugging my work tote and purse. I kept tripping over my pants, my tote kept slipping off my shoulder, and my hair was blowing everywhere. Halfway there, it hit me. “Oh God, I am the Schlepper from Man Repeller.” Raise your hand if you’re not surprised. Schlep on, my friends.



How awesome is this Hidden Message Necklace from Beth Macri Designs? At first glance it looks like three mixed-metal bars, which is pretty cool on its own. But from a different angle it shows a three-letter/character message- like a secret that only you know. Except I would show everyone because 1. It’s cool and 2. Secrets are not my strong point. It would be cute to do your initials (you people know I love anything personalized), or the initials of you and your significant other. I think you can do more than three letters, so the possibilities are endless! Just make sure your secret doesn’t get out of control.



The secret is out. Have you ever wondered about the Olsen twin’s signature “too vogue for you” face? Well thanks to Buzzfeed, now literally everyone knows.  I’m not going to lie, I knew this in high school. All of my friends and I did, and we would take “prunes” pictures at every major event because why wouldn’t we? Anyways, I’m definitely bringing this back, because when you can’t be an Olsen twin, you should pretend you are anyways.



I made these carrot fries for dinner last night and they were quite delicious. I bought matchstick carrots to put in salads, but I remembered that I had pinned this recipe, so I decided to try it out. You should definitely cook them on a higher heat like she suggests at the end, because I didn’t and some of them didn’t cook all the way through. But if you’re looking for something different for dinner, this is a yummy and easy option!



It’s Barbie again. This Buzzfeed article may be from 2013, but that’s irrelevant. It shows the 11 Hottest Runway Trends inspired by 90’s Barbies, and it made. my. day. You really can’t go wrong when you combine Barbie with anything in the real world, at least not in my book. Also I definitely had the doll in the green overalls pictured above- her name was Skipper and I remember I wanted her because I LOVED the overalls/crop top combo, and I thought it made her look like Britney Spears. And some things never change.

Have a great weekend!

That’s all for meow!


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Power Couples

Hey Cats!

There’s just something about winter that makes people want to announce that they’ve found themselves in a perfect match. Maybe it’s the dawn of a new year, maybe it’s because people get bored when they have time off, maybe it’s because they’re tired of people thinking that asking about their future direction in life is an appropriate smalltalk topic- who knows, really (definitely not me). All I know is that new and surprising couples are popping up all over the place, and I’m all about it. Here are a few new relationships that have caught my attention:

1. Lilly Pulitzer for Target:


This is like that time your friend that knows literally everyone on campus dated that guy that also knows literally everyone and they became The Favorite Couple in all circles. Both Lilly Pulitzer and Target are powerhouses in their own right, so put them together and people (read: college girls across America) are LOSING THEIR MINDS. The combination of country club chic with Target’s “Expect More. Pay Less” mantra seems a little counter-intuitive at first: how is this high-end brand with a very specific target audience going to fly at a major discount retailer? But it’s like the first time you dip your french fries in your milkshake- you’re a little skeptical, but crap, that’s good and you’re not really sure why. I’ve never super loved any of Target’s designer collaborations- the products always appear to be noticeably different than the original designs. Which could very well happen again with this Lilly Pulitzer partnership- but I’m holding out hope. Also, whoever negotiated this deal is my hero, and I hope you get a bonus or extra vacation time or something, because you’ve done a great job.

2. Kate Spade Saturday + West Elm


This is the couple that was set up through a mutual friend because they’re both “so chill”, and the girl is real cute, but also a little quirky and awkward so she has a hard time talking to boys, but somehow it worked this time. Kate Spade Saturday is one of my favorite brands because of their bright-colored patterns and unique pieces, and West Elm offers a wide variety of modern, quality pieces for the home, with a commitment to Fair Trade and socially-conscious business practices. Together, they bring us a fun collection of sleek and chic decor that would be perfect for your first apartment.  I like how both brands are clearly apparent in each piece- classic West Elm shapes with eye-catching Saturday prints. A few of my favorites? The Anders Chair, this wool rug, and this geometric garment rack.

3. Kate Spade Saturday + New Balance


This is like when your best friend starts dating someone and you just know they’re going to get married because it’s simply a perfect match. I saw this while scrolling through Instagram the other day, and basically lost my mind. Mostly because I just bought new tennis shoes to wear to class, or I totally would pre-order some ASAP. Kate Spade Saturday is really putting herself out there this year! The shoes have classic New Balance sneaker shape, with fun Saturday style. I love this couple because it gives you both a colorful, trendy look without sacrificing comfort and support that we’re all looking for in a sneaker. My favorite pair is definitely the Freestyle– how cute would these be strolling to class or in the gym? Okay, I’ll probably have a pair in the next couple of months.

What’s your favorite collaboration for Spring 2015? Let me know!

That’s all for meow!

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WorkIt Wednesday- Back To School Shopping List

Hey Cats!

I’m back in Aggieland! I drove in yesterday, so I could get back into the swing of things and work a little before school starts on Monday. I cannot believe it’s my last semester of college! I feel like my parents just left me at my dorm as a freshman…but that’s a sappy blog post for another day. Anyways, I was supposed to go to the grocery store when I got in yesterday afternoon, but after unloading my car and seeing that unpacking was going to be quite the task, I decided to get Chipotle and watch The Bachelor with my roommates instead. (also I’m actually terrified of Ashley S. That is all.) So I get to go after work today-yay!

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from adopting a healthy lifestyle, it’s that exercise definitely gives you results, but eating right is crucial to looking and feeling better. You know that saying “when you eat crap, you feel like crap”? It’s true. Growing up I hated vegetables and looooooved junk food. My mom always made healthy meals and limited my junk food intake, but I still would have rather had ice cream as opposed to an apple. When I first got to college, I had really bad eating habits when I was living in the dorm. They improved a bit once I moved off-campus and had a kitchen, but my idea of a balanced meal was chicken, rice, and some frozen corn I zapped in the microwave. Okay, but not the best. Over the summer, I started trying new recipes I would find on Pinterest, or get from my sister, and started to cut down on processed food and snacks like chips, crackers, and sweets. I felt so much better, and I know it’s because I was putting good fuel into my body. Unfortunately, I got a little off track over Christmas break, but tomorrow’s grocery store trip should help! Here is my shopping list to prepare for the semester- since I didn’t go today, it’s tentative, but if I pick up something extra, I’ll be sure to add it!

grocery shopping


-Coffee (because I woke up this morning and realized I didn’t have any…#dead)

-Greek yogurt (my favorite is Chobani coconut!)

-Almond milk coffee creamer (my latest obsession- thanks mom!)

-soy milk

-sack of grapefruit or cuties (whichever is cheaper)



-Salad stuff:

-romaine hearts

-cherry tomatoes

-kale (this is a maybe…I’ll have to price it!)

-carrots (also tentative)

-slivered almonds

-ham lunch meat

-Salad dressing (current favorite: Olive Garden- SO good!)


-Applesauce cups (hi, I’m five)

-Fruit snacks (not super healthy, but I can’t give up everything)

-Flour tortillas (if I want a wrap instead of a salad)


-Cheese sticks

-Green juice

-Snack crackers (probs Goldfish- another thing I can’t live without)


-Quinoa (duh)

-Brussels sprouts

-Frozen chicken breasts


-Shredded cheddar cheese

-Shredded Parmesan cheese

-Lemon juice

-Olive oil

I know this list seems a little short, and you probably are thinking I’m crazy specific with my meals. But, I have some staples on hand, and plan on mixing things up! A lot of the items under “Lunch” will definitely be used for dinner as well, and I usually eat fruit or popcorn that I already have for snacks, which is why that section is so small! However, if you’re wanting to start healthy eating habits, this is a good list to work off of!

What’s on your healthy grocery list? Let me know!

That’s all for meow!

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Faux Real

Hey Cats!

This post means that I indeed survived my dentist appointment yesterday- I know you were all concerned. It actually wasn’t that bad, except for some reason they gave me an excess of novocaine shots. He started with three, and then added more throughout the procedure, and I lost count. They made the entire left side of my face numb for hours, which was really interesting while I tried to drink a smoothie on the way home. I kept trying to smile and I felt like Fiona from A Cinderella Story after she gets Botox and “can’t show emotion for another hour and a half”. Fun times.

Unfortunately, I have no sassy comments on last night’s Bachelor episode, because I didn’t watch it. But I’m praying it will be on on-demand soon, because the first few weeks are crucial to learning the girls’ names and deciding who I kind of like and who needs to go home and learn how to be a normal person before ever socializing with men again. According to my Twitter timeline, Chris makes questionable choices, which always makes for fun and interactive television, so I can’t wait.

Sweater: JCPenney(only $14.99!), Vest: Francesca's, Necklace: Marley Lillyc/o, Purse: Kate Spade, similar, Booties: Gianni Bini

Sweater: JCPenney(only $14.99!), Vest: Francesca’s, Necklace: Marley Lillyc/o, Purse: Kate Spade, similar, Booties: Gianni Bini

This outfit combines all of my latest favorite things- the sweater, the vest, and the booties. This sweater is sooo comfy and I have been trying to limit myself from wearing it every day. It’s not really working. I threw on the fur because it was freezing outside and I didn’t want to wear a coat, and I thought it dressed up the ensemble a bit. Also, this was the first time I wore my new booties, which I have since become obsessed with. My brown riding boots are currently being re-soled because I wreaked havoc on them walking across the pebbled concrete on campus for 2.5 years, so I’ve been substituting these booties when I would usually wear my riding boots. I like that they have a different look from my riding boots- definitely a good addition to my shoe closet! I added a statement necklace for some interest, and toted my trusty Kate Spade bag for a necessary addition of leopard print. I wore this to church, but it would also be great for date night or dinner with friends!

That’s all for meow!

Linking up with Lauren from Style Elixir today!

StyleSessionsLogo zps1d35aa03 Style Sessions Link Up: Loving   A Leopard Scarf and Burgundy Coat

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Monday’s Musings

Hey Cats!

Happy Monday! I’ll be at the dentist this morning having a little work done-wooohooo. I’m actually really okay with it, they’ll be removing the two the silver crowns I’ve had on my teeth since I was about six and replacing them with permanent ones. I’ve been self-conscious about them for a long time- I don’t really think anyone can see them, but I still don’t like them and I’ve always had this irrational fear that they would catch the flash while someone was taking a picture and my face would be a glowing orb. Silly, I know, but I’m really excited to have teeth that aren’t shiny. That being said, I should post tomorrow, but if not, just know that the pain/drugs have gotten the best of me, and I should be back on Wednesday.

I went to lunch with my bestie Kinsey the other day as a last hoorah before we both go back to school, and after we ate we wandered into a new coffee shop downtown. We sipped chai tea lattes and talked about life, because we are #Tylerchic. We talked about school, jobs, friends, boys, her upcoming move to Dallas, why we’ve made some of the decisions we’ve made lately, and how much our perspectives on all of those things have changed in our 3.5 years of college. One thing we kept coming back to is how we’re so glad we haven’t settled for less than what we really want, and that even though it’s hard to have to wait for the best, it’s definitely worth it. This conversation reminded me of a perfect quote I found on Pinterest a while back:


I feel like the saying “don’t settle” can be super cliche, but I also believe that settling for less than what God has for you is the easiest and most common way to really mess things up. I’m not saying you should have unrealistic expectations, but a lot of the time, “good enough” isn’t good enough. Whether it’s not accepting mediocre grades because you know you can work harder, not dating that boy that pays you a lot of attention because you’ve talked to God about it and He said no (um hi SO HARD I KNOW), or not applying for a “good” job because the job description sounds seriously awful, if you feel in your gut like it’s a bad idea, just don’t.Sometimes it’s really hard, because a less-than-stellar option can be easy, and it’s easy to talk yourself into thinking that it will be fine, and you’ll learn to love it, and you’re just ready to get the show on the road.

But it’s like shopping for a pair of boots. You wouldn’t just walk into the store, pick up the first pair that caught your eye and waltz up to the cash register, would you? No. You’ll recognize that this is an investment, and a decision you’re going to have to live with for a while. You have a picture in your mind of what you want- black, quilted boots that you can wear to both work and school, with your sweater dresses and jeans, and preferably not too mom-ish. You may have to go to a few different stores and try on a few different pairs, and you’ll probably get a little frustrated. And you might seriously consider a few sub-par options, But then you’ll decide that this pair looks cheap, this pair is cute but not quilted and that’s what you REALLY wanted, and that this pair isn’t super comfortable. Then, you find them. They’re the perfect heel height, they don’t have too much hardware, and they’re not too trendy, so you know you’ll love them forever. They’re exactly what you had in mind, and you are beside yourself. Every once in a while when you wear them,  you’ll think to yourself, “I love these boots. I’m so glad I waited to find the perfect pair”.

That’s why it’s important to not settle. For shoes, for a job, for a boy, or for anything. Because it’s hard to wait, but it’s harder to come across what you really wanted when it’s too late. Don’t be that girl that settles- be that girl that has faith in God’s timing and plans. Abundant life is a promise, but it can’t be rushed.

That’s all for meow!

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