Friday’s Five

Hey Cats!

Well, we made it. The week after spring break is always a tough one, because you’ve had a little taste of summer, the weather is getting warmer, and all that’s left of school is the big projects that no one really wants to do. I didn’t have any tests or anything which was good, but I have a lot of things coming up, so I really need to get ahead if possible. (hahahahahaha jokes). Or at least plan out when I’m going to do everything.

But enough about school, let’s talk about how I think I broke my toe yesterday. I was sitting on my bed doing homework, when I decided I could not continue reading about communicable diseases without a package of fruit snacks (tip- do not save mandatory health classes until your last semester, you will hate it- trust.). So I sprung off my bed too quickly and landed on my toes rather than the ball of my foot. They kind of curled under, causing all of my weight to land on my little phalanges. I definitely heard a pop, but it didn’t really hurt so I just continued downstairs for my study snack. Then later, I was putting on my shoes, and tightening the laces HURT. Upon further inspection, I observed that my toe was bruised and hurt when I moved it. Just in time for sandal season, so that’s cool. I will get back to you after I walk to work this morning- that should be fun. So the moral of the story is, don’t get too excited about your fruit snacks- you could hurt yourself. I digress.

Here’s this week’s five:

1. What I’m Eating

quinoa patties 1

I know, I know. It’s either quinoa or brussels sprouts with me. Honestly, I have no defense for the brussels sprouts, there’s only so many ways you can make them. But quinoa is a very versatile grain, and sometimes I get bored with sprinkling parmesan cheese on top and calling it a side. I found this great recipe for Spring Herb Quinoa Patties on Two Tarts, and it’s by far my favorite quinoa cake recipe that I’ve tried. I halved the recipe, left out mint and green onion (only because I didn’t have any- but it sounds like it would make them even better!), and added dill. What I like most about this recipe is the fact that the cakes hold together really well- I think it’s the breadcrumbs. A half recipe made about 8, and I ate 1 while I was waiting for the rest of my dinner to finish, 3 with my chicken and brussels sprouts (duh), and the other 4 by themselves for dinner the next night. It was a personal patty party. And you should have one, too.

2. What I’m Raving About



As someone who frequently walks through rain puddles on campus, My Hunter boots are a life-saver. They’re durable, comfortable, and a chic addition to my typically distraught rainy-day ensembles. They’re an investment, but definitely worth it. However, since they’re real rubber, they develop a white powdery film after a while, which I honestly wasn’t too fond of. My sister has a matching pair, and hers were “blooming” as well, so we decided to split a bottle of Hunter Boot Buffer and shine our boots over spring break. I was super pleased with the results- they are as good as new! Also, the bottle is only $12, and both my sister and I used it and there is plenty left! You can see the before and after pictures above! Shiny boots just in time for April showers.

3. What I’m Wanting

gold pulse cuff

I’m mildly obsessed with this Gold Pulse Cuff from Baublebar. It’s simple enough to be great on its own or as part of a nice stack.  You may or may not know my story about my heart problems, but I think that’s why I love this so much!

4. What I’m Working On


Building my blog’s Instagram page. I have a really big vision for this little blog, most of which I don’t have time to get serious about until after graduation, but Instagram doesn’t require that much effort- I just have to live my life and remember to take pictures. Which is actually kind of hard for me. But anyways, I’m working on posting fresh content every day, and I would love for you to follow along with me at @sweetcatsblog!

5. Sass Queen of the Week


Abby Lee Miller, Dance Instructor and One-Liner Extraordinaire. She scares the crap out of me and I wouldn’t have lasted five minutes in her studio as a child, but as a young adult, she lights a fire under my butt and makes me want to make it to the top of the pyramid. Also I’m currently having Dance Moms withdrawals. Abby will most likely be back on this list soon.

That’s all I have for you this week. Enjoy your weekend, and figure out how to be the best.

That’s all for meow!

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Campus Chic

Hey Cats!

My name is Kristen, and I think I really like sports. Like a lot. This is somewhat of a recent development, and I’m really surprised by it. I even told my mom that I might want to work for a professional sports team, so it’s getting pretty serious. I mean, I’ve always liked football- I’m from Texas and my dad was a coach, so most of my fall Friday nights since birth were spent at football games. And I started to like basketball in high school, when I would cheer at the games. But besides Aggie football games, sporting events are never something I’ve just been dying to go to, until now. I’ve had multiple weekends this semester where I would go to a baseball game and a basketball game, and I even went to two on the same day. Stop. Part of me thinks that it’s because I’m trying to soak up the last bits of my Aggieland experience (true), but I also think I’m developing more diverse interests, which is always a good thing. So now let’s talk about my main interest: clothes.

Just because I’m gaining a sporty side doesn’t mean my wardrobe is going to suffer. I still like to piece together a spirited yet polished look for games- something that says, “I appreciate a good dunk, but I’m still going to talk to my friends when I get bored”. Obviously.


It was still a little chilly at the last basketball game I went to, so I wore my favorite cream sweater from JCPenney, which I have seriously worn the crap out of this winter. I realized I kept wearing the same thing when it showed up in three of my Instagram posts. In a row. Oops. I added a maroon pashmina (similar) and my monogrammed clutch from Benevolent Jewels (20% off with coupon KCODE20!) for a chic touch of my school colors. I threw on my versatile brown Gianni Bini booties, and then capped it all off with my Aggie baseball cap (similar). I like the casual vibe it adds to the outfit, plus my hair was icky that day so everyone wins.


So let’s talk about this clutch a little bit more. I bought this during football season, because that’s when the outfits really matter, and it has proved a great investment to my gameday wardrobe. You can fit your keys, your phone, and your ticket inside and it’s perfect for a day of tailgating/watching the game! Plus it has a chain so you can wear it as a crossbody, which I usually do. There are a rainbow of both clutches and thread colors, so whether you’re a Baylor Bear, a Carolina Tar Heel, an Ole Miss Rebel or anything in-between, they’ve got you covered! It’s the perfect fashionable and functional addition to any sporting event ensemble.

This week is just getting started, but it’s looking to be a busy one- mainly because I stopped doing homework the Wednesday before Spring Break and now I have to catch up. #SeniorYear. With that being said, I will be goin’ up on this Tuesday-up to my hole, reading Marketing and blogging on my breaks.

That’s all for meow!

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Linking up with Lauren today!

Monday’s Musings

Hey Cats!

How was everyone’s Spring Break? I’m assuming you’ve all had Spring Break by now, because mine was super late this year! I went to the beach with my parents the first weekend, which was a lot of fun, but not nearly long enough- I could have stayed all week! But I have loved being at home and just hanging out with my sister, shopping, and hiding from my real life. Except on Thursday when I wrote an entire term paper in under 12 hours. Hi, my name is Kristen and my favorite stop on the train to academic success is the Procrastination Station. It was supposed to be due the week before spring break, then my professor decided to give us an extra week, which was really generous, but it was due during spring break. This should not have been a problem, except I tend to have a “due today, do today” policy on homework. It’s a really bad habit, I know, but I’ve been this way ever since my mom stopped having to sign my folder in about the second grade. I have tried to change my ways, but to no avail. It’s like I can’t do my best on something until I’m under extreme pressure and time constraints. This is probably an extremely unhealthy way to live life, but it’s gotten me pretty far and I only have two months of school left so let’s not fix what isn’t broken. But I digress.

Speaking of two months of school left, that’s a thing that’s happening right now. Actually it’s less than two months- I graduate from Texas A&M on May 16! Who else feels like they just started the spring semester? I came across this wonderful quote on Pinterest that really captured my distress on this issue:

march quote


That’s pretty much how I felt when Spring Break rolled around last week. It’s just all happened so fast! I haven’t worn my riding boots enough. I’m not sure if I’m ready for this college thing to be over. I don’t have a job yet (a personal favorite). Have I even been doing all my homework?! Easter dresses, what? I need to get a pedicure if I’m going to start wearing sandals soon. Ugh, it’s about to be pollen season. General nervous laughter. You get the idea.

I love spring and I’m super excited about it, but I feel like I skipped a couple of months somewhere! I guess this is just another lesson about how life moves so fast when you’re having fun. So let’s all take a deep breath, not freak out (HAHA), and take advantage of the rest of the school year! Or spring if you’re a real adult.

Have a great week, that’s all for meow!

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Friday’s Five

Hey Cats!

Happy Friday! I hope all of you are staying warm! I personally am not, because it’s always freezing but never actually snowing here, so the roads are “safe” and we have to go to school. Well, we’re supposed to anyways. I may or may not have opted to conduct an independent Marketing 409 test review from the comfort of my own home yesterday. It’s fine.

Anyways, here’s what I’m loving this week:

1. Lipstick Tricks from Cupcakes & Cashmere



For the past year or so, I have been sporadically incorporating lipstick into my makeup routine. I’m definitely not the type of girl to wear a bright red lip every day, but occasionally I like to play around with some color. However, makeup techniques are something I’ve never really mastered. But I’ve always wondered how other girls get their lipstick to stay on all day and just generally look great, because sometimes I feel like I look like a five-year old who found her mom’s makeup bag. I stumbled upon these great lipstick tricks from Emily of Cupcakes and Cashmere, and I decided to try my hand at them. It’s a bit of a process, but it definitely made my lipstick look 10x better. I’ll be keeping this in mind the next time I feel like getting all dressed up!

2. Home Decor

adore magazine anna caldwell

As I’ve mentioned, home decor is one of my latest obsessions. I’m constantly finding things that catch my eye on Pinterest, and they all seem to have the same theme: clean white or neutral walls and furniture with gold and colorful accents. This particular photo, originally from The Pink Pagoda is a great combination of modern and traditional elements. I love the bold patterns on the rug, pillows, and lamp, and the combination of bright blue and hot pink is so happy and girly. But I think my favorite element of this set-up is the Oriental pottery. (I don’t know the proper term for it- I tried to find it on the Google, but found contradictory results) My mom has a few pieces of this, and I’ve always really loved it. I think it adds a vibrant yet timeless touch to any room, but I think it’s showcased especially well in this room. I’m already planning on adding some of this to my design once I have an apartment of my own!

3. The Whisking Kitchen


I love discovering new blogs to read, and I especially love discovering new recipes, so when I found The Whisking Kitchen I was beside myself. I stumbled upon this piece of the internet through Elizabeth the author’s Instagram. I was scrolling through my “Discover” page and found a photo of a delightful-looking omelette and fresh fruit breakfast in bed, and was instantly captured. She just recently launched her blog, and I’m so excited to try some of the recipes! First on my list? This edamame salad, this Havarti-cheddar-bacon-rosemary grilled cheese (DEAD), and these blueberry muffins. Hop over to Elizabeth’s blog and find a few recipes you love, and then meet me back here for WorkIt Wednesday so we don’t all get fat.

4. Kate Spade for Kids


I know I don’t have children, and considering the fact that I’m supposed to be in class as I’m writing this, it’s going to be quite a while before that happens. But, Kate Spade has released a line of childrenswear and it’s beyond adorable. Lots of pink, glitter, and floral prints, all of which are absolutely perfect for a haute tot. I want to wear it myself, and to be honest, my sister and I have already talked about how we’re going to try.

5. A Dose of Sass


If there’s one thing I love, it’s a good sassy face, and through her recent appearances at fashion shows, my girl North West is proving to be quite the little sass queen. I look for great things from this one.

That’s all for meow! Have a wonderful weekend and stay warm!

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