Friday’s Few

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Hey Cats!

Happy Friday! This short week flew by, which is exactly what I was hoping for! It was also a busy week, but a good one! P.S., can you believe it’s already June? I feel like it was just New Year’s! Also, I’ve declared June a “no-spend” month for me. I went a little crazy on the shopping this past month, and I need to tone it down. There are things in my closet that I bought months ago and still haven’t worn, if that tells you anything. I’ve decided that I’m just going to have to get creative with what I’ve already got in my closet (which is plenty). Plus, it’s summer, so I can re-discover all of my tanks and shorts! At least that’s what I’m telling myself. But it’s not going to be easy (those flash sale emails get me every time. I am a sucker.). So pray for me. For serious.

But anyways, here’s what I’m loving this week:

1.Charming Charlie

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Earlier this week, I went shopping with a friend and we wandered into Charming Charlie. And yes, this was May 31st, the day before the dreaded spending fast began. My friend Catherine that was with me has decided to also participate in a no-spend month! Anyways. Charming Charlie was having an amazing sale (75% off all clearance!!), so I got 4 great pieces of jewelry for just under $9! I think my favorite find was this pair of Lola Beaded Tassel Earrings. I’ve been wanting a pair of Lisi Lerch tassel earrings for years, but I couldn’t justify the price tag. The Charming Charlie dupes are marked as just $6.99 online, which is already a steal, but with my 75% off, I got them for $2. TWO DOLLARS. That’s less than a Starbucks. Clearly I am still beside myself about this. And once my shopping ban is lifted, I will be back. I’m planning on wearing these with my new top from Lyon + Post for my Friday night activities! So summer and so cute. P.S., with my $30 credit, this top was only $20! Sign up here to get your own $30 Lyon + Post credit!

2. Quinoa Salad Recipe


I came across this recipe for Sweet Pineapple Chicken Quinoa Salad from Layers of Happiness on Pinterest! As you know, I love quinoa, and am always trying to find ways to incorporate it into my diet. This looks like a really yummy summer lunch option, and I can’t wait to give it a try!

3. Embracing my curly hair

Ever since I started fixing my own hair, I have flat-ironed it into submission, refusing to wear it natural. Over the years, I think my hair has gone from wavy to actually curly, but I never left the house without fixing it, except for a few times in college. When I went to the beach, I decided to just let my hair run free, and I loved it! I decided to see if this would work on a daily basis. I bought the Quenching Coconut Curls shampoo and conditioner by OGX to try and enhance my curls, then added the styling milk to tame the frizz! I’ve worn my hair curly to work ever since I returned from vacation, and I have no plans of stopping! It’s so nice not to have to fix my hair every morning, and I really love how it looks! So big. Just wondering how I lived so many years without taking full advantage of my lion’s mane.

4. GIF of the week


If you haven’t been watching Real Housewives of Not Houston Dallas, you have been missing out on the best way to waste your time. Stephanie is probably my favorite, because she cries when people are mean to her, which I feel is the most normal response. Or would be my response. Bless her heart.

That’s all for meow! Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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Recipe-Broccoli Cheese Quinoa Cups

Hey Cats!

When it comes to planning ahead, sometimes I’m really on top of things, and sometimes I find myself winging it. Actually, that’s most of the time. One instance in which I have found myself without a plan and in a pickle is when it’s 8:34 and I’m pouring my coffee to-go thinking, “I should already be in the car, and also what am I having for lunch today?” Granted, there are a few fast food restaurants within walking distance of my office, so it’s not like I’ll starve or anything, but I like to bring my lunch as often as I can, because getting lunch every day can get pretty expensive, and I can only eat so much Chick Fil A before I start to feel like an actual chicken nugget. So more often than not, I’ll throw some quick items into my lunch box and hope for the best. This can include at least three of the following: a cheese stick, packaged crackers, almonds, fruit snacks, or yogurt. I realized that this was an issue when I opened my lunchbox one day to find yogurt, a cheese stick, and cheese sandwich crackers. Straight diary. Whoops.

I decided that the challenge was to make or find something healthy that I could throw into my lunchbox when I was already running late. I also wanted something that wasn’t too expensive and wouldn’t make my grocery list excessively long. Quinoa, my favorite superfood was on the forefront of my mind, since I had recently made pizza quinoa bites for lunch. But I was out of pepperoni and Parmesan. Then I found the broccoli, and this recipe was born!

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Here’s what you’ll need:

-2 cups of cooked quinoa (1 cup dry)

-2 eggs

-1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese

-1/2 cup fresh broccoli, finely chopped.

Here’s what you’ll do:

First, cook your quinoa. You can make it just for this recipe, or this is a great way to use leftovers!

Next, mix in the eggs, cheese, and broccoli until fully incorporated. For the broccoli, make sure you chop it into very tiny pieces. I did not, and didn’t love the taste of biting into a broccoli tree. I also removed most of the larger stems.

After it’s all mixed together, scoop into a greased muffin tin. If you fill each one about 3/4 of the way full, you should be able to make a dozen!

Bake at 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes, or until set. The egg should be completely cooked but still a bit fluffy, with kind of a quiche-like texture.

Optional: top each bite with a sprinkle of cheese and place back in the oven for 5 more minutes, or until the cheese is melted.

Simple, right? I divided them into portions of 3, so I had lunch for 4 days! I placed each portion in a Ziploc bag and stuck them all in the freezer door. I zapped them for about 45-60 seconds at work for a yummy, healthy lunch! You can also bring marinara sauce to dip them in for a little more zest. This takes about 45 minutes on a Sunday afternoon, and you’ll have lunch for (nearly) the whole week!

That’s all for meow!

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Recipe- Tangy Summer Salad with Salmon

Hey Cats!

Happy Wednesday! This week is both flying and crawling at the same time, if that’s possible. I’ve been trying to eat healthier lately, but it’s also SO HOT in Houston that just the thought of turning the stove on makes me sweat. I typically make a pizza or other fun dinner for myself on the weekend, but after laying out at the pool all day Saturday, I needed something light, but obviously still delicious and filling. So I decided to combine a citrus salmon recipe that I love with a homemade version of my favorite Salata salad. And it was so good I made it without the salmon for lunch until I ran out of kale.


Okay first we need to address this MASSIVE salmon plank. I asked for 4oz, and the little fishmonger just haphazardly whacked off a chunk, weighed it to get the price, and wrapped it up without noticing that it was 6oz. I’m fine with more fish, but I also had to pay more for it, which I wasn’t too pleased about. Also, it was so large that it just fell apart when I tried to plate it, so that’s why it looks kind of sad. But hey, I did the best I could and it’s delicious so that’s all that matters, right?

Here’s what you’ll need:

-1 serving of Honey Garlic Lemon Salmon– this recipe from The Whisking Kitchen is SO good!

-1 cup kale, rinsed and chopped

-1/4 cup fresh spinach, chopped

-3-4 large brussels sprouts, grated or finely chopped

-1 small granny smith apple, thinly sliced or diced

-1/4 cup cooked quinoa

-2 tbsp pine nuts

-2-3 tbsp goat cheese (feel free to go crazy here, I sure did)

-lemon vinaigrette dressing- I used Marzetti’s Simply Dressed Lemon, in the refrigerated section.

Here’s what you do:

1. First, prepare the salmon. It has to marinate for at least 30 minutes, so plan for that. ALSO cook it on a foil-lined pan, because I cannot tell you how long it took me to scrub the burnt honey off my pan.

2. Finely chop the kale and spinach and add to a very large mixing bowl.

3. Add the brussels sprouts, apple, and quinoa and toss.

4. Next, add the pine nuts, cheese, and dressing. Toss until everything is fully coated with dressing. I usually just pour my dressing over the top, but tossing your salad ensures every bite is tasty!

5. Serve your salad with your salmon on top, and enjoy!

What’s your favorite light summer meal? Let me know!


That’s all for meow!

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WorkIt Wednesday- 3 Step Breakfast Bowls

Hey Cats!

Happy Wednesday! You know what that means- we’ve made it halfway through the week! It also means WorkIt Wednesday is back. I’m going to be honest, I have not been working it lately. I’ve just been super tired and not feeling like going to the gym, and I haven’t been eating very well. But, it’s time to get back on track! I’ve fallen off the wagon quite a few times in my day, and I’ve found that the easiest way to get back on is to start at the beginning (breakfast) and work up from there. I usually just eat Greek yogurt for breakfast, but sometimes that gets boring, and I get REALLY hungry/hangry at around 10 am, leading me to break into my lunch at the first acceptable moment (11 am), which means I’m starving again by 5, and come home and eat everything I see. Which is obviously incongruent to my goals. After seeing these on Pinterest, I decided to make my own version of a protein-packed breakfast bowl. I’ve made a few different varieties, and have devised a simple 3-step formula for the perfect bowl.


1. Base-start with a single-serving cup of your favorite flavor of yogurt. I usually use coconut Chobani, but they were out, so I settled for plain. Sometimes I will mix a tablespoon of peanut butter in with the yogurt to add a little extra protein and flavor!

2. Make it sweet- For me, this is a drizzle of honey, but you could use agave nectar, stevia, or just leave it plain if you’re using a flavored yogurt.

3. Add the extras-I usually add 1/4 cup of quinoa and some type of fruit, but you could add nuts, granola, or even chocolate chips to make it interesting!

How easy is that? 1,2,3, breakfast! Here are a few of my favorite combos:

-Coconut Chobani mixed with peanut butter, quinoa, a drizzle of honey, and a handful of raspberries

-Plain Greek yogurt, quinoa, a drizzle of honey, a few halved cherries, and chocolate chips (pictured above)

-Peach yogurt, quinoa, a drizzle of honey, and a sprinkling of toasted almonds and granola

If you come up with a new combo, let me know- I would love to try it! This is an easy way to have a healthy breakfast to help you power through your day, and it’s completely flexible to accommodate your tastes.

That’s all for meow!

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Friday’s Five

Hey Cats!

Well, we made it. The week after spring break is always a tough one, because you’ve had a little taste of summer, the weather is getting warmer, and all that’s left of school is the big projects that no one really wants to do. I didn’t have any tests or anything which was good, but I have a lot of things coming up, so I really need to get ahead if possible. (hahahahahaha jokes). Or at least plan out when I’m going to do everything.

But enough about school, let’s talk about how I think I broke my toe yesterday. I was sitting on my bed doing homework, when I decided I could not continue reading about communicable diseases without a package of fruit snacks (tip- do not save mandatory health classes until your last semester, you will hate it- trust.). So I sprung off my bed too quickly and landed on my toes rather than the ball of my foot. They kind of curled under, causing all of my weight to land on my little phalanges. I definitely heard a pop, but it didn’t really hurt so I just continued downstairs for my study snack. Then later, I was putting on my shoes, and tightening the laces HURT. Upon further inspection, I observed that my toe was bruised and hurt when I moved it. Just in time for sandal season, so that’s cool. I will get back to you after I walk to work this morning- that should be fun. So the moral of the story is, don’t get too excited about your fruit snacks- you could hurt yourself. I digress.

Here’s this week’s five:

1. What I’m Eating

quinoa patties 1

I know, I know. It’s either quinoa or brussels sprouts with me. Honestly, I have no defense for the brussels sprouts, there’s only so many ways you can make them. But quinoa is a very versatile grain, and sometimes I get bored with sprinkling parmesan cheese on top and calling it a side. I found this great recipe for Spring Herb Quinoa Patties on Two Tarts, and it’s by far my favorite quinoa cake recipe that I’ve tried. I halved the recipe, left out mint and green onion (only because I didn’t have any- but it sounds like it would make them even better!), and added dill. What I like most about this recipe is the fact that the cakes hold together really well- I think it’s the breadcrumbs. A half recipe made about 8, and I ate 1 while I was waiting for the rest of my dinner to finish, 3 with my chicken and brussels sprouts (duh), and the other 4 by themselves for dinner the next night. It was a personal patty party. And you should have one, too.

2. What I’m Raving About



As someone who frequently walks through rain puddles on campus, My Hunter boots are a life-saver. They’re durable, comfortable, and a chic addition to my typically distraught rainy-day ensembles. They’re an investment, but definitely worth it. However, since they’re real rubber, they develop a white powdery film after a while, which I honestly wasn’t too fond of. My sister has a matching pair, and hers were “blooming” as well, so we decided to split a bottle of Hunter Boot Buffer and shine our boots over spring break. I was super pleased with the results- they are as good as new! Also, the bottle is only $12, and both my sister and I used it and there is plenty left! You can see the before and after pictures above! Shiny boots just in time for April showers.

3. What I’m Wanting

gold pulse cuff

I’m mildly obsessed with this Gold Pulse Cuff from Baublebar. It’s simple enough to be great on its own or as part of a nice stack.  You may or may not know my story about my heart problems, but I think that’s why I love this so much!

4. What I’m Working On


Building my blog’s Instagram page. I have a really big vision for this little blog, most of which I don’t have time to get serious about until after graduation, but Instagram doesn’t require that much effort- I just have to live my life and remember to take pictures. Which is actually kind of hard for me. But anyways, I’m working on posting fresh content every day, and I would love for you to follow along with me at @sweetcatsblog!

5. Sass Queen of the Week


Abby Lee Miller, Dance Instructor and One-Liner Extraordinaire. She scares the crap out of me and I wouldn’t have lasted five minutes in her studio as a child, but as a young adult, she lights a fire under my butt and makes me want to make it to the top of the pyramid. Also I’m currently having Dance Moms withdrawals. Abby will most likely be back on this list soon.

That’s all I have for you this week. Enjoy your weekend, and figure out how to be the best.

That’s all for meow!

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Friday’s Five

Hey Cats!

Happy Friday! I hope those of you who went shopping yesterday survived and found something that made it worth your trip. My mom and I went to the mall, and it was like feeding time at the zoo. They were having a mega sale on boots at Dillard’s and all of the boxes were stacked on tables that reached far beyond the shoe department. People were digging through the piles like they were looking for hidden treasure (which I guess they were), throwing stuff around, pushing people out of the way, and grabbing things from each other. It reminded me of in Mean Girls when Cady Heron would imagine how things would be settled in the animal world, and I almost had a panic attack. I bought one sweater and then ran away before things got out of hand. Anyways, here’s what I’m loving this week:

1. Marsala as Pantone’s 2015 Color of the Year


This could be considered old news, but whatever. Pantone, the “world-renowned authority on color” (I am the world-renowned authority on tacos, FYI.) named Marsala as the Color of the Year for 2015. This red-brown hue is kind of earthy, but it’s almost jewel tone-y as well, which I love. If you aren’t convinced, as I was not, check out this intro spread on the Pantone website, and see how rich and dramatic Marsala is in your wardrobe, decor, and even on your plate! Pair it with grays, taupes, deep blues, and golds for the best results.


yoga studio

This past semester, I got into a really great habit of going to the gym almost every day, and it got to the point where I HAD to go to be able to do anything else that day. However, once I got home for Christmas break, I didn’t have that luxury, and it’s been driving me absolutely insane. I tried running outside, but I’m kind of a wimp and I don’t like the cold. So I haven’t exercised in almost two weeks and sometimes I cry when I think about how long it’s going to take me to get back to where I was before I came home, not a joke. I did go to yoga with my sister the other day, and I loved it! I’ve done Pilates, but never yoga, and I really enjoyed it! I think I’m going to try and add that into my regular workout routine one or two days a week.

3. Quinoa Salad Recipes



Since we’re talking about things I’m having withdrawals from, let’s add quinoa to the list. I just really love it, and I would eat it nearly every night with some form of roasted vegetable and chicken while I was at school. I love my mom’s food, but after all of the holiday foods, I only want quinoa and roasted brussels sprouts. Also if you can’t tell by now, I really love routine and have a very hard time with change, even with my food. Ever since a lady behind me at Salata put quinoa in her salad, I have been obsessed with the combination of the grain and leafy greens, so I was really pleased when I came across this collection of quinoa salad recipes on Pinterest. Some of them are a little too much for me, but there are quite a few I’m wanting to try!

4. A Healthy Dose of Side-Eye


You know I live for perfectly-timed expressions of sass, so I was beside myself when I came across this list of the Most Important Celebrity Side-Eyes of 2014 whilst bumbling along my Twitter feed. From Kate to North, they’re all perfect, and I can’t decide which one is my favorite. Keep up the good work, ladies. Keep it up.

5. Trivia Crack


Last winter break it was QuizUp, this time it’s Trivia Crack that’s ruining my life and turning me into an anti-social blob. Something about answering random questions correctly just fills me with joy and makes me remember every history/science/geography class I’ve ever taken. It’s a massive waste of time, but my friend Kinsey said that it’s making us smarter, so that’s just what I’ll keep telling myself.

Have a great weekend, and be sure to practice your side-eye and take a small break from Trivia Crack at some point.

That’s all for meow!

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Friday’s Five

Hey Cats!

Happy Friday! I’m SO EXCITED for this weekend, because my bestie is coming to visit! I haven’t seen her  since before school started, so I can’t wait to catch up with her. This week has still been busy, but not as much as the past few, so it’s been nice to have a chance to rest and not be running around in a panic for a few days. Here’s what I’m loving this week:


donut pumpkins


It’s fall, y’all! How adorable are these little donut pumpkins from Smart Schoolhouse? Pink sprinkle donuts are my all-time fave, so I would love to make a few of these to set out in the kitchen!

2.With my super busy schedule, I feel like I’ve been going nonstop for the past few weeks. While I’ve pretty much accepted the fact that if I want to have a fun and successful senior year there won’t be much down time, it’s something I really miss. This week, I was blessed with some extra free time to rest and do things I wanted to do, like cook dinner and go to the gym on the same night, and do things I needed to do like catch up on homework. Sometimes it’s the little things like a canceled class or a meeting cut short that remind me that God knows exactly what I need, and if I’m using my time and talents to glorify Him, He will provide me with the time to fit it all in.


kate and samantha

My cousin shared this goldmine of an article with me a week or so ago that shows us Kate Middleton’s true celebrity lookalike- Samantha Parkington. I don’t know who came up with this, but they’re a genius. Just scroll through and tell me Kate doesn’t look like she’s been dressed (impeccably) by Grandmary. YOU CAN’T.


quinoa patties

I made these delicious sweet potato quinoa patties for dinner Wednesday night, and they were quite yummy! I had a baked sweet potato in my fridge because I’d cooked it on 250 (rookie mistake) and by the time it was done, I was finished with the rest of my dinner and not hungry. I’d planned to heat it up for my dinner, but then I remembered this recipe! So delicious, and it makes quite a few- I took the leftovers in my lunch on Thursday, and they were still great!


btho ole miss

Last but certainly not least, there’s a HUGE game in Aggieland tomorrow! It’s expected to be the largest crowd ever at Kyle Field, and I’m pumped. WHOOP!

That’s all for meow!

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Recipe- Caprese Quinoa

Hey Cats!

Happy Wednesday! Only one more day, then a long weekend- I can’t wait!

Last night for dinner, I made a new quinoa recipe that my sister shared with me, and it was SO good! She told me that she takes it in her lunch, which I’m definitely doing today. It uses red quinoa, which has a more chewy texture that I like better than regular quinoa. Here’s what you’ll need:

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– Red quinoa (I used 1/2 cup since I was making it for just myself as a side dish)

-Cherry tomatoes

-Fresh basil

-One mozzarella cheese stick

-Balsamic vinegar

Here’s what you do:

1. First, prepare the quinoa according to the package directions. As I said, I used 1/2 cup dry quinoa and 1 cup water.

2. While the quinoa is cooking, chop the rest of the ingredients. I sliced the tomatoes in half, finely chopped the basil, and sliced the cheese stick into round pieces.

3. Once the quinoa is finished, transfer it to a large bowl and add the tomatoes, basil, and cheese. Stir until incorporated. The cheese will start to melt, and while it doesn’t need to be completely melted, a little is okay!

4. Add about one tablespoon of balsamic vinegar and stir- but be careful that you don’t add too much- it’s strong!

5. Enjoy!

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How easy is that? I know that this isn’t the most exact recipe, but I didn’t really measure while I was making it…oops! Just add the ingredients to your taste! Also isn’t the garnish lovely? I usually forget about taking food pictures for my blog until its too late, but not this time!

That’s all for meow!

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