Big News-I’m Moving!

Hey Cats!

I’ve been a little MIA on the blog lately. Some of that is because I’ve been busy, but also because I have been working on something BIG…I’M MOVING!! Not physically, virtually. For the past month, I’ve been busy designing my brand new website, and I cannot wait to share it with you!


The brand new site will be launching Saturday, July 2, so in just NINE short days!! Ahh I still have so much to do, but I’m so excited! I’ll be changing the name of the blog and have an updated, cleaner look, but the sassy, real-life content will remain the same. With this new, more professional design, I’d like to pursue more collaborations and partnerships, but as always, I will only promote products I believe in and give my honest opinion on products I receive to review.

To be honest, I’m a little sad to leave Sweet Cats! behind. This blog has been a part of my life since before I went to college- 5 years! It’s been a hobby, a creative outlet, a great place to learn, and it even helped me land my current job. But, for a long time I’ve known that if I ever want to reach my full potential as a blogger, I needed a more serious and professional space. So after years of debating, I went for it! The great thing is, the name and appearance are the only things that have changed! I’ll still have Friday’s Few, easy recipes, affordable style, and of course the Gif of the Week. In the words of JLo, I’m still Jenny from the block. Except I’m actually Kristen from the suburbs, but you catch my drift.

SO, what does this mean for you, my loyal readers? I would love for you to come with me! I don’t want to lose any of you, so I’m trying to make this transition as simple as possible. All of my old content will be on my new site, so if you’re looking for a favorite recipe, you can find it in my archives! Please make sure you’re following me on social media, especially Twitter since that will be the easiest place to find the link to my new site! If you follow via Bloglovin’, I’m still trying to figure out how to make that transition. I think I can just switch my old site out for my new one, but I’m not sure! If not, I will be making a new Bloglovin’ account and would love to have you all follow along there! Most importantly, once the new site is launched, traffic from Sweet Cats! will be redirected to my new site. So if nothing else, just head over here any time after July 2nd and you’ll be sent straight to the new stuff!

I can’t wait to share what I’ve been working on, but I’ll enjoy these last few days on Sweet Cats!. Thank you so much for reading for all these years, and I would love for you to join me on my new site!

That’s all for meow!

For more Sweet Cats!, follow along at:


Girl’s Trip Must-Haves

Hey Cats!

Apologies for getting this up a day late! As per usual, my procrastination got the best of me, and Sunday night I was so exhausted and went to sleep at 10 pm instead of blogging. But! I’m planning on posting my regular three posts this week, so stay tuned!

Last week in my vacation recap, I promised a post detailing my Girl’s Trip Must-Haves. Miami was probably my favorite three days of the year, and going with my besties made it even better. After this, I am a firm believer in girl’s trips and am already saving for next year’s trip (or trips!). And I’m basically a girl’s trip professional. After 72 hours. Because of this, I’m going to tell you everything you need to have a fun, easy, and smooth vacation.


1. Friends

Okay, I mean obviously, but at least read the whole paragraph before you decide this is a stupid list. Truth is, the right friends are paramount to a good girl’s trip. I have a rule: never take trips with anyone you do not love. A couple of terrible weekends in college led me to this discovery, so since then I’ve been wary to just pack my bags and go. Make sure you’re not going to have to hold people’s hair back every night. Make sure you’re all on the same page about how much money you want to spend. Make sure you’re all okay with either having a plan or not having a plan for the trip. And most of all, make sure you’re able to stand the people for extended periods of time- because once you’re there, you’re stuck!

2. A Selfie Stick

I used to make fun of selfie sticks, but we brought one on our trip and they are SO FUN. Plus, everyone can be in every picture! We used it at the beach, on our balcony, and yes, even on the airboat tour. Like true millennials. HASHTAG SELFIE.

3. Groupon

Full disclosure: we were on a budget. A tight one. But! That definitely didn’t stop us from having an awesome time. We did everything we wanted to, and spent a reasonable amount of money. For every activity, we searched high and low for the best prices, using Groupon and other coupons to find the best deals. I probably spent a little over $500 for the whole trip (not including clothes HAHA), which is so great for a trip to Miami!

4. Cluster

Thanks to the selfie stick, we took an abundance of photos. Then we all liked each other’s photos better than our own, but sending mass amounts of pictures is annoying and takes so long. My friend Catherine told us about an app called Cluster, where you can just upload your photos to a private group, and everyone can have access to them! Now, we each have all of the photos from the trip to frame or ‘Gram at our discretion. Everyone wins!

5. Your sense of adventure! 

You may get lost in your rent car on the way to the Everglades. You may have to rearrange all of your plans at the last minute. You may get to do everything you want to do, and you may not! You may have to run through the Atlanta airport with moments to spare and eat box sandwiches at 10 pm. But it’s all part of the fun! I will always have wonderful memories from this trip, and it’s mostly because we went with the flow and kept our sense of adventure about us!

These are just a few things I’m glad we had on our trip! What are your girl’s trip must-haves? Let me know!

That’s all for meow!

For more Sweet Cats!, follow along at:



Friday’s Few

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links. Making purchases/clicking may help support this blog.

Hey Cats!

Happy Friday! This short week flew by, which is exactly what I was hoping for! It was also a busy week, but a good one! P.S., can you believe it’s already June? I feel like it was just New Year’s! Also, I’ve declared June a “no-spend” month for me. I went a little crazy on the shopping this past month, and I need to tone it down. There are things in my closet that I bought months ago and still haven’t worn, if that tells you anything. I’ve decided that I’m just going to have to get creative with what I’ve already got in my closet (which is plenty). Plus, it’s summer, so I can re-discover all of my tanks and shorts! At least that’s what I’m telling myself. But it’s not going to be easy (those flash sale emails get me every time. I am a sucker.). So pray for me. For serious.

But anyways, here’s what I’m loving this week:

1.Charming Charlie

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Earlier this week, I went shopping with a friend and we wandered into Charming Charlie. And yes, this was May 31st, the day before the dreaded spending fast began. My friend Catherine that was with me has decided to also participate in a no-spend month! Anyways. Charming Charlie was having an amazing sale (75% off all clearance!!), so I got 4 great pieces of jewelry for just under $9! I think my favorite find was this pair of Lola Beaded Tassel Earrings. I’ve been wanting a pair of Lisi Lerch tassel earrings for years, but I couldn’t justify the price tag. The Charming Charlie dupes are marked as just $6.99 online, which is already a steal, but with my 75% off, I got them for $2. TWO DOLLARS. That’s less than a Starbucks. Clearly I am still beside myself about this. And once my shopping ban is lifted, I will be back. I’m planning on wearing these with my new top from Lyon + Post for my Friday night activities! So summer and so cute. P.S., with my $30 credit, this top was only $20! Sign up here to get your own $30 Lyon + Post credit!

2. Quinoa Salad Recipe


I came across this recipe for Sweet Pineapple Chicken Quinoa Salad from Layers of Happiness on Pinterest! As you know, I love quinoa, and am always trying to find ways to incorporate it into my diet. This looks like a really yummy summer lunch option, and I can’t wait to give it a try!

3. Embracing my curly hair

Ever since I started fixing my own hair, I have flat-ironed it into submission, refusing to wear it natural. Over the years, I think my hair has gone from wavy to actually curly, but I never left the house without fixing it, except for a few times in college. When I went to the beach, I decided to just let my hair run free, and I loved it! I decided to see if this would work on a daily basis. I bought the Quenching Coconut Curls shampoo and conditioner by OGX to try and enhance my curls, then added the styling milk to tame the frizz! I’ve worn my hair curly to work ever since I returned from vacation, and I have no plans of stopping! It’s so nice not to have to fix my hair every morning, and I really love how it looks! So big. Just wondering how I lived so many years without taking full advantage of my lion’s mane.

4. GIF of the week


If you haven’t been watching Real Housewives of Not Houston Dallas, you have been missing out on the best way to waste your time. Stephanie is probably my favorite, because she cries when people are mean to her, which I feel is the most normal response. Or would be my response. Bless her heart.

That’s all for meow! Hope everyone has a great weekend!

For more Sweet Cats!, follow along at:


Mi-i-iami! Vacation Recap

Hey Cats!

Did you miss me last week? While I had an awesome time on my trip, I definitely missed blogging a bit! It’s good to be back in the swing of things! Hopefully this week will be less crazy than last week! I was on vacation Sunday-Wednesday, went to work on Thursday, where I was surprised with cookies to celebrate my one year anniversary with the company, then left early due to severe weather (more flooding in The Woodlands) and left early again on Friday due to continued flooding. I’m honestly just looking forward to a nice, normal week! And for El Nino to calm himself, because Houston is tired of all these floods. I digress.

Y’all. Miami was THE. BEST. I’ve never taken a full-fledged girl’s trip before (most likely because I’ve never been gainfully employed and if I would have asked my parents to send me to the beach with my friends they would have said, LOL, no). But it was seriously so fun. If you’ve never taken a trip with your closest friends, you need to do it. Even if you’re like, 80. The laughs, the memories, and the sass are unforgettable. Also, it was fabulous to not do work for like three whole days.


First things first, our condo was incredible. We stayed at Marenas Resort in Sunny Isles, and had a view of both the ocean and the city, which was great. Our room had a kitchen, living room, and awesome balcony that we took way too many photos on. Also, the pool was great, and each day we had our own little chairs on the beach! I got plenty of use out of my monogrammed floppy hat and breezy cover-up!


Since we were only there for three days, we had lots of adventure to pack in! We drove around in our sassy little rent car that we named Sasha, to the Everglades for an airboat tour (complete with holding a baby alligator, OMG), and to the Port of Miami for jet ski tours! We only got lost once, which is kind of a huge accomplishment considering the road system in Florida is incredibly confusing.

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We had “Fancy Dinner Night”, which ended with no one loving their expensive food and McFlurry’s on the way home. But we looked real cute! As you can tell, we had a blast the entire time. No one got tired of each other (that I know of) and we even watched the premier of The Bachelorette on Monday night, complete with pizza and brackets- we’ve decided to be hardcore fans this season. It was like living with your best friends but no one has responsibilities and you can just have fun all the time. I want that to happen every day.


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This was a great trip, for many reasons! It was a great way to celebrate one year of post-grad life, an awesome time with my friends, and a wonderful way to relax!  My friends and I realized that before we went on this trip, we’d never even spent the night at each other’s houses. By the end, we had seen it all: a 3 am wakeup call for a 5 am flight, a full day with only 2 hours of sleep, devouring a whole bag of peanut butter M&Ms in one day, forgotten clothing, and hangry attitudes whilst running through the Atlanta airport trying to catch our flight back to Houston. It’s safe to say that this trip was a bonding experience- but an unforgettable one at that!

I know reading about the beach isn’t the same as going- but I had to share! Stay tuned, as next week I will be sharing my Girl’s Trip Must-Haves, now that I’m a seasoned vacation professional.

That’s all for meow!

For more Sweet Cats!, follow along at:


Friday’s Few

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links. Making purchases/clicking may help support this blog.

Hey Cats!

Happy Fri-Yay! This week has been so busy that I don’t even know where it went. But it’s been fun! Last night, I drove downtown to have dinner with my mom, who’s in town for training, so it was great to see her! After work today, I’m going into full-on vacation mode, with pedicures at 6, then finishing up shopping, packing, and getting to sleep early for our 5 am flight Sunday morning. It will be here before I know it! Here’s what I’ve been loving this week:

1.College Station’s Best

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So I found this list  of the 45 Best Places to Eat in College Station and it made me want to return to Aggieland for the sole reason of eating. I’m proud to say that I’ve eaten at most of those places (if I could choose my last meal, it would def be from Napa Flats), but there’s a few that are new! And some that I’ve missed. Just another reason to go back! If you live there, try some for me!

2. Lyon and Post


I’ve been seeing other bloggers talk about Lyon + Post for a while now, but I didn’t really know what it was so I just ignored it until I saw that one of my favorite bloggers (Brenna from Chic Street Style) scored a mega deal on an adorable dress, and was intrigued. After perusing the site, I discovered that it’s a site that sends you clothing to try on but doesn’t charge you for any of it unless you keep it! Which is great for those of us who are short and are sometimes scared to buy things online. They have great brands like Elizabeth and James, BB Dakota, Vince, and more!  There’s no subscription fee, and you get to try before you buy, just like a brick and mortar store! It vaguely reminds me of “About the Fit”, the fictional company that Anne Hathaway’s character runs in The Intern (which is a fabulous movie, by the way. It motivates me to no end to be the ultimate girlboss, and I watched it with my ex-boyfriend and he hated it and that’s part of the reason he’s not my boyfriend anymore. Bye). I’m waiting until I return from vacation to send for my first batch of clothes, but I’ve already got my eyes on a few things! If you’re interested, register here to get a $30 credit for your first purchase!

3. White Queso

white queso

White queso is my latest obsession. Actually, any queso, but I’ve been on a particular quest for queso blanco since Cinco de Mayo. The clinical staff in my office had fajitas catered on Cinco de Mayo from a local Mexican food restaurant, and they had white queso. One of my coworkers was telling me how delish it was, so obviously I had to go sneak some. Then I kept finding reasons to go up to the front, but I would actually just stop by the break room and sneak a chip loaded with queso. I’m not proud, but I’m also not sorry about it. Anyways, right after the queso-swiping incident, I came across this recipe for white queso from The Baking Fairy, so obviously I pinned it. Some of my friends and I are planning on grilling dinner one night soon, and I’m definitely making this!

4. GIF of the Week


This is how I feel that VACATION IS HERE!!!!! I literally cannot control myself. P.S., still trying to decide how I feel about Real Housewives of Dallas. I think Real Housewives of Houston would have been better, but Andy didn’t ask me. But considering the above, maybe he should have. ALSO: speaking of vacation: I will not be posting next week…sorry! I think it’s just time for a break from everything. But! Check back the following week, because I will have plenty of beach content!!

That’s all for meow- see you in a week!

For more Sweet Cats!, follow along at:


Post-Grad: A Year Later

Hey Cats!

Exactly a year ago today, May 16, 2015, I walked across the stage at Texas A&M, was handed a diploma and thrown out into the world to fend for myself. Just kidding, it was an amicable split. I remember being so excited and proud of myself but sad and terrified all at the same time. Honestly, sometimes I still feel that way. I can’t believe it’s already been a year! It’s been an interesting one for sure, but a happy year as well. Here are some things I’ve learned about myself, life, and Jesus this year:

I'm an educated woman!

P.S. my diploma is still in that tube.

1.You don’t have as much free time as you did in college. I remember my Bible study leader telling us that we’ll never have as much discretionary time as we did at the time, and honestly I didn’t believe her (sorry Kate- but I know now!). I was always busy in college, rushing from one meeting to the next, going to school and work, and squeezing in homework, so I thought once some of those things went away I would have more time.  But now, I feel like there’s never time to do everything I want and need to do. Like, I should probably be cleaning my nasty house right now, but here I am, blogging. It’s definitely taken some planning, prioritizing, and learning to say no, and it’s still not easy, but I’m working on it!

2. Living alone is the best thing ever. Seriously. It’s really expensive, but it’s really worth it. If anyone’s in my house, I invited them to be there. If I want to leave my towels in the dryer instead of fold them, I can do that. No one’s cheap beer is squishing my leftovers in the fridge and literally everything is hot pink or gold. It’s a dream come true.

3. Don’t forget to clean the lint catcher in your dryer. Okay, so this is kind of a pathetic story, but there was a period of a few months where I would have to leave my clothes in the dryer for about two to three cycles to get them dry. After one particularly annoying instance where I had reset my dryer FOUR TIMES and my towels were still damp, it dawned on me that maybe I should possibly clean out the lint catcher (does this have a formal name? “Lint catcher” just sounds weird). I could barely get it out it was so full of lint. It was terrible. I could have spun yarn out of it and crocheted a blanket. I’m surprised my house didn’t catch on fire, honestly. So now I empty it after every other load, and my dryer works just fine!

4.It’s okay to change your mind. I’ve changed my mind about quite a few things over the past year. Whether it’s the church you’re going to, your boyfriend, or what you want for dinner, it’s okay. As long as you’ve prayed about it and don’t do it all the time, it’s okay. You’re not going to get it right the first time every time.

5. You will always miss the free tacos and the free gym. Like, honestly. Sometimes I just want to run around the indoor track at the Rec and then get free Rosa’s on the way home. Ugh.

6. Don’t forget who God says you are. Moving to a new place where I didn’t know anyone was exciting, but also really challenging. And it still is, to be honest. One time, when I was having a particularly tough time, I wrote down all of the things/qualities that God says I am, and the things He says I’m not. It’s great to have on hand to go back to when you need it.

7. It’s possible to make good friends after college. I thought that I had reached my bestie quota for life after I graduated. I mean, everyone’s best friends are usually from college or high school. I expected to make friends, just not tried-and-true, first people I call when something is wrong sisters. But I was wrong. I found two of my very best friends this year, and I am beyond thankful for them. They’ve definitely made it onto the bridesmaid list!

8. People won’t ask you to do things if they don’t think you can do them. At work, there have been quite a few instances where I’ve been asked to tackle roles or projects that intimidated me, causing me to panic and think, “I CANNOT DO THIS.” But obviously, I had no choice, so I’ve been forced to figure it out. And you know what? It’s usually not that  bad! I still have to tell myself sometimes that they wouldn’t have asked if they thought I was going to fail. And it’s definitely encouraging to know that others believe in you!

9. You don’t have to spend all of your shopping budget every month. But LOL, you probably will especially if you’re like me and have zero self control.

10. If you put God in a box, He will promptly remove himself. One thing I struggle with is limiting what I think God can do in my life. I tend to think that He will only work in ways that I can see and understand, but that’s not right at all. For the longest time, like since I was in high school, I was convinced that I would marry the first boy I ever dated. I thought that that was why I hadn’t ever dated anyone; because God was going to give me one and be done. But I was wrong. And you know what? I’m thankful that I was, because God just reminded me that I actually do not have it all figured out, and the only way to deal with a change in plans is to trust in Him completely.

11. Do something that isn’t all about you. Confession: it’s hard not to be selfish when you’re single and live alone and can basically do whatever you want. I joined the Junior League this past fall, mainly to find friends, but I have loved getting to serve my new community with other women. Whether I was helping raise funds or helping sweet high school girls find a prom dress, I honestly loved every second of it, and it was a good way to stop thinking about myself and think about helping others. JLTW was a major highlight of my first year post-grad, and I’m so happy I joined!

12. Staying in shape after college is so difficult. For real. It’s because I don’t walk nearly a mile every day, aside from actually working out. Not to mention the gyms that are filled with real people are incredibly crowded. I’ve given up on that and have started working out at home.

13. You’ll be tempted to become a workaholic. Don’t. There are always blog posts to be written, emails to be answered, and projects to be completed. For a while, I would work for an hour or two at home every night, but then I felt really overwhelmed. So I stopped. Now, I’m not saying to not do your work. There have been times where I’ve stayed up until the wee hours entering information into spreadsheets because they had to be done. I’m just saying that you definitely need a break from work every now and then.

14. You will still miss everything about college. The friends, the freedom, wearing Norts and a tee to class, the cheap rent. I went back to College Station a couple of times this year, and I cried a little every time. It’s like nothing has changed but everything is different. That place will always, always, always be my home and my favorite place on earth. I don’t think I would actually want to be in college forever, but sometimes I wish I could do it again just for like a week. The good thing is, I can always go back and it will welcome me with open arms!

15. You can do it. Honestly, when my parents left me at my apartment a week after graduation in a strange town, I wasn’t sure if I could do it. I was excited but also really scared, but determined not to give up and move home. I thought about it a few times, and sometimes I still do. But looking back on this past year, it wasn’t always easy or fun, but I did it, and the Lord was with me every step of the way. I have a job that I love, I made new friends, I went through some tough times, I made some big decisions, and developed a love for specialty cheeses. This year wasn’t what I thought it would be at all, but I’m so thankful for the path that Jesus has led me down, and I’m excited to see what my future holds!

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Just kidding, I still know nothing.

Thanks for letting me share some real talk today. That’s all for meow!

For more Sweet Cats!, follow along at:


Instagram Recap

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links. Making purchases/clicking may help support this blog.

Hey Cats!

Happy Wednesday! I apologize for the lack of post on Monday-This was just too long of a post to start at 9pm the night before! So I decided to postpone it for a couple of days, hopefully you understand. So let’s just jump in: here’s the details on my latest Instagram posts! And if you’re not following along, you can do that here!

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I found the perfect substitution for the Naked palette! The Gilded Gold palette by Ulta is my new favorite thing! It’s definitely comparable in colors and quality, but for about half the price. I also purchased my go-to mascara, Colossal Cat Eye by Mabelline, and got a free gift that includes everything else that’s pictured! It was a great day for makeup!


One of the few work outfits I’ve featured lately! This Chambray Shirt Dress from Old Navy is one of my new favorites! It’s perfect for work or church, and you can wear it with heels or flats. It’s like the full body version of a chambray shirt, which I wear like every week, so obviously this is on repeat. I paired it with leopard smoking slippers, my Kendra Scott Alex earrings in chalcedony, and my Barrington bag!


These Vince Camuto heels have popped up quite a few times on the blog lately! They’re my new go-to nude heel for summer. They pair well with sundresses, rompers, and white jeans!

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Still can’t wait to take these to the beach in a week and a half! My Marley Lilly hat proved to be an excellent choice for a Derby party, and I’m excited to wear it at the beach as well! Paired with my coverup from Forever 21, which I couldn’t find online but found similar options here, here, and here.


This gallery wall in my bedroom is the pride and joy of my home decor. My prints were a gift, but I believe they came from Etsy! I like the prints from Luxe Art Prints, ItsLikeGoldDust, and Wall And Wonder. The arrow is from Hobby Lobby, as is the “K”! Perhaps my favorite part of this wall is the rhino. I got it at Target, but like literally everything else, I can’t find it. BUT! I found one that I also love in gold at Anthropologie! They also have a colorful collection of exotic animal busts, if your decor is a bit more eclectic.


This white top is a summer staple! I love this off the shoulder option, this similar option, and this short-sleeved option. I paired it with my Gap Girlfriend jeans and trusty Target sandals for a casual Friday work look.


A great mail day! This nameplate necklace from Marley Lilly is great for layering, and a Southern Living is always great for reading!


Another great mail day! This druzy cuff from Kinsley Armelle is a perfect addition to my wrist. Also, I am obsessed with this brand! They’re based right outside of Houston, and have adorable pieces that are unique and affordable, which I’m all about. Check them out!


You may have seen on Insta that I rediscovered my old Converse when I went to my parent’s house this weekend! I have a pair of hot pink high tops and a pair of black low-tops that I’ve had since middle school. I rescued them because they’re on trend again! Yay for shopping your closet!

Be sure to follow along on Instagram (@sweetcatsblog) for regular updates!

That’s all for meow!

For more Sweet Cats!, follow along at:


Friday’s Few

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links. Making purchases/clicking may help support this blog.

Hey Cats!

We made it!! This has been the longest week. I honestly started thinking that it was Friday on like Tuesday. So that was sad. But it’s finally Friday for real, and I’m headed to see my family this weekend! Here’s what I’ve been loving this week:

1. Healthy Recipe


I found this recipe for bell pepper pizzas from Peas & Crayons on Pinterest a while back, and it looks so yummy! I love pizza, but I also love healthy versions of my favorites. However, I will most likely omit the broccoli. I mean whoa, it’s pizza, not a salad.

2. Dress


I know I featured this dress on my Beach Packing List post, but I can’t get over it. I love the print, Lite Bright Bull from MUMU, and I think I may have to get it. I’ll wear it on my birthday! Also, it’s May and my birthday is in August and I’ve already bought two rompers “to wear on my birthday”. I need help. Or a social life that requires something fancier than Nike shorts & a t-shirt. But probably both.

3. GIF of the week


This is how I felt when I thought it was Thursday but it was actually Tuesday.

Short and sweet this week- Have a great weekend!

That’s all for meow!

For more Sweet Cats!, follow along at:


Packing List: Beach Trip

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links. Making purchases/clicking may help support this blog.

Hey Cats!

Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a great weekend! I went to the pool twice, slept in, got sub-par pedicures with my besties, and  bought the cutest flamingo tee, so I would say it was a success. But today it’s back to work!


In a few weeks, I’m headed to Florida on vacation with two of my friends, and I’m beside myself with excitement! This is my first big trip with just my friends, so it should be tons of fun! Not to mention I love the beach. I’ve had months to procure the perfect pieces to stuff into my suitcase, and I’ve honestly probably spent way too much money. But whatever. Here’s what will be in my bag:


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I tried so hard to find a new swimsuit for this trip, but I couldn’t find anything I liked. But I have plenty of suits from past summers that I still love, so it’s okay! I’m bringing my monogrammed bandeau from Marley Lilly paired with coral bottoms, which is probably my favorite swimsuit ever. I’m also bringing a one piece, since one pieces are in right now. I’ve had this one since high school so obviously it’s no longer available, but I’m loving this palm print, this simple blue, and this bright Mara Hoffman suit! My third suit is from Old Navy and also is no longer available, but this one is really similar!



I bought this monogrammed floppy hat for two reasons: my Kentucky Derby-themed Junior League party this week and the beach. They have so many fun colors, but I chose blue because it matches my Lilly dress I’m wearing to the event (insert hair flip emoji). It also matches my cover-up! I’m loving the simple white with blue stitching! I bought it at Forever 21, but unfortunately can’t find it online (I did see one in the store this weekend!), but I’m loving this similar option, this similar color scheme, or this colorful caftan!


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We’re planning on going to do lots of fun things like snorkeling and riding jet skis, so honestly I will probably be wearing Norts and a tee for those activities. But I will need a few cute outfits, of course! I’m bringing my new flamingo tee paired with my favorite boyfriend shorts, which will be perfect for exploring! I’m also bringing my leopard shorts and black tank, which will be great for a casual dinner. Of course, I can’t forget this integral part of my romper collection. It’s Lilly for Target (from the kid’s section), but I love this Lilly Pulitzer option, this solid blue, and this cute print!


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I don’t anticipate going out too much, except for fancy dinner one night. But we’re still three weeks out and I cannot decide for the life of me what outfit to bring! It’s a stressor for me right now. I’m loving this striped romper (similar options here, here, and here) and nude heel combo, but I’m also loving the below options!

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I bought this black romper a few months back and I’m in love! I think it’s definitely going to be a staple this summer. There’s also my bird dress that I’m obsessed with and am always looking for excuses to wear. P.S., if birds aren’t your thing but you still want to wear something out of the box, try this dress! It’s on my “to buy” list for sure.

So that’s it! Those are the only pieces I’m taking to the beach. And if you believe that, you obviously don’t know me. What are your beach essentials? Let me know!

That’s all for meow!

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Friday’s Few

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Hey Cats!

Happy Friday! I feel like this week has flown by- it has been incredibly busy! Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I’m looking forward to the weekend, with dinner and beach trip planning with my friends tonight, and finally getting to sleep in on Saturday! Here’s what I’ve been loving this week:

1.Upcoming Menu Item


Doesn’t this Mexican Street Corn Salad from Camille Styles just look delicious? Confession: corn is one of my favorite vegetables, even though my mom says it’s not really that great for you because it’s basically just cellulose. But whatever, I love it. Another confession: I’ve always wanted to try Mexican Street Corn, but I can’t eat corn on the cob because my front teeth are super loose due to a golf cart accident and a cheerleading accident in my youth. That is so sad and I can’t believe I just told everyone that. But that’s why I have to make this, so I can finally experience the glory that is Mexican street corn. Thank you.

2. Rompin’ Around

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I found this  Runaway The Label romper at Marshall’s a week or two ago, and I’m obsessed. It’s definitely not something I would typically buy, but I think that may be why I liked it so much! Unfortunately, I can’t find this one online anymore, but I did find a few that are similar! Here’s one with navy and white stripes, one with stripes and a plunging neckline, a similar shape, and this one that isn’t similar at all but I love it. I can’t wait to wear this on vacation! I’m planning on pairing it with my Vince Camuto Roux heels (P.S., they’re on sale!) and simple gold jewelry!



If you’re not following along on my Blogstagram, you should be! I posted this awesome giveaway last night for a Kate Spade tote bag, Kate Spade laptop sleeve, and a MacBook Air to go inside! Don’t worry, there’s still time to enter- the giveaway runs until 10 pm EST, Saturday April 10. Good luck!

4.New Lilly


Lilly Pulitzer’s new arrivals hit my inbox this week, and I’m having to restrain myself. This Ryder shift is definitely a favorite, along with these laser-cut shorts, this romper, and this top that would go with absolutely everything this summer. Lilly, keep doing what you’re doing.


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Enjoy your weekend. I sure will.

That’s all for meow!

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