Parmesan Pecan-Crusted Salmon

Hey Cats!

I know I usually do “Wednesday Pins-Day” on Wednesday, but I haven’t been too active on Pinterest lately, so I’ve decided to skip a week! But hopefully once you try this recipe, you’ll forgive me! When I was in middle school, my family would frequent Rockfish, a seafood restaurant, and I would order pecan-crusted trout, which was a bold choice for an 11-year-old, but I was obsessed with it.

These days, salmon is a staple in my diet, and I’m constantly looking for new recipes. I remembered how much I loved the trout, and decided to see if I could make it myself. The first try, I made it with bread crumbs instead of butter, and it was good, but I told my sister about it, and she said she wanted to try the recipe once I posted it. She has celiac, so I had to find a way to make it gluten free, which was great because I actually like this way better!  Also, this recipe, like most of mine, are just for one serving. However, for two or three servings, just double or triple the recipe!

Here’s What You’ll Need:

-One serving of salmon (mine was about 4 oz)

-One tablespoon of butter

-One tablespoon of chopped pecans (I used pre-packaged cookie bits)

-One tablespoon grated parmesan cheese

-1 tsp dry ranch dressing mix

-Salt & Pepper

Here’s what you do:

1. First, soften the butter, but don’t melt it. You can do this by microwaving it in 15-second intervals.

2. Next, add in the pecans, parmesan cheese, and ranch. Smoosh with a fork until thoroughly combined.

3. Place the salmon in a baking dish, prepared with cooking spray. Season it lightly with salt and pepper.

4. Then, spread the butter mixture evenly over the top of the salmon, making sure it’s not too thick.

5. Bake at 425 for 15 minutes. I know that sounds like a long time, but I recently had an unfortunate encounter with some undercooked salmon, so I didn’t want to risk it again!

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I made rice and a salad to go with this, but I made minute rice in the microwave and cooked it until it was a solid rice cake, so it wasn’t fit for photography…oops!(Slash it’s kind of hilarious that I can cook everything EXCEPT rice). If you’re looking for a new, healthy dinner idea, you should definitely try this out! Let me know how you like it!

That’s all for meow!

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Sideline Sass Boutique

Hey Cats!

I hope everyone had a great Valentine’s Day this weekend- I know I did! My roommates and I went to dinner Friday night, and on Saturday I went to an Aggie baseball game with some of my friends. I’ll be honest- baseball isn’t exactly my favorite sport (I told one of my guy friends that it was the first time I’d ever stayed all nine innings at a baseball game and he was appalled). However, Aggie baseball is a different experience- the student section is quite hilarious.

My all-time favorite college sport is Aggie football, obviously. I’ve been lucky to witness some exciting things since I came to Texas A&M in the Fall of 2011- the move to the SEC, a shocking win over #1 ranked Alabama in 2012, and, of course, Johnny Manziel. There’s nothing that compares to gameday in Aggieland, and one of my favorite parts of gameday is getting dressed up. For real.

Ever since we entered the SEC, gameday style has gotten increasingly more formal. My freshman year I would wear Nike shorts and a maroon tee shirt, but the tables have definitely turned! Unfortunately, it’s really challenging to find Aggie maroon. There’s raspberry, crimson, and red galore, but if you find something that fits in true Aggie maroon, it’s a poor choice to not buy it immediately. I recently stumbled across Sideline Sass, an Aggie-owned online boutique that carries a variety of affordable gameday attire- in the right maroon- it’s a miracle!

Some of my favorites:

maroon shorts

These Must Be Maroon shorts are definitely a staple for August and September games. I love the fun, floral pattern on these, it definitely dresses them up!

maroon sweater

Next is this Knit Together sweater. I love the solid panels on the shoulders mixed with the variegated body. This would be a great option for cooler, night games.

maroon dress

I also love this Flash Back dress. Dresses are by far my favorite game day outfits, simply because they’re effortless, yet still put together.

In addition to these and more maroon pieces, Sideline Sass has a wide array of clothing and accessories for many different styles and tastes. So if you’re an Aggie girl looking for gameday wear, or if you’re just looking for unique pieces to add to your closet, head over to Sideline Sass!

*All images have been used with permission from Sideline Sass.*

That’s all for meow!

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Wednesday Pins-Day

Hey Cats!

I hope everyone is having a great week! I have a test and a paper due tomorrow so I definitely have my work cut out for me! Also, today is the Liberal Arts Career Fair at school, so right after I post this I’m going to go on the hunt for an internship- wish me luck!

It’s been a while since I’ve done a Wednesday Pins-Day, and I’ve found some great things recently that I’d like to share. Here you go!

brown sugar chix

1. First is this delicious recipe for brown sugar spiced baked chicken from Spoonful. I made this for dinner Saturday night, and it was delicious! However, I accidentally put half a tablespoon of cumin instead of half of a teaspoon- oops! I scooped a lot out, but it was still a little on the strong side! We had this with quinoa, sauteed mushrooms, and baked parmesan squash- a healthy, delicious little feast!

2. Next is this cute valentine idea. I love giving valentines to my friends, and I love Burt’s Bees, so this would be something I would love to give and receive!

Love Me earrings

3. Next are these sassy earrings from Nordstrom. My favorite are definitely the “Over It” set, and I’m probably going to get them soon. They’re only $12 for the whole set!

Adorable Rag Doll Kitten

4. Last is this precious ragdoll kitten. I kind of have mild kitten fever right now- it’s like baby fever, but more appropriate for this stage in my life. Isn’t it SO CUTE? Need it.

What have you been pinning lately?

That’s all for meow!

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100 Doses of Sweet Cats!

Hey Cats!

It’s a big day for Sweet Cats!- this is my 100th blog post! I have loved blogging for the past couple of years, and it’s been fun to watch how my blog has grown and changed. It started as a way to share the things I crafted for my dorm room, but has evolved into a collection of a myriad of my interests. Hopefully you guys love Sweet Cats! as much as I do!

Some of my favorite Sweet Cats! moments include getting to know other bloggers, watching my following grow substantially, partnering with Benevolent Jewels, and being featured on Marley Lilly’s blog, The Monogrammed Life.

Thanks to all of my readers for following along with me for the past couple of years- I really appreciate you! I’m looking forward to the next 100 posts and beyond.

Also, special thanks to my roommate Ashley for reading my blog, even though she usually reads blogs “of people she doesn’t like so she can make fun of them”. And thanks to my roommate Trina for always liking my posts on Facebook, and to my other roommate Kadie for reading along as well. (I hope you guys appreciate your requested shout-outs).

What would you, my readers, like to see in my next 100 posts? Let me know!

For more Sweet Cats!, follow along at:


Trends I’m Loving- Turban Headbands

Hey Cats!

I hope everyone had a great weekend! Mine was pretty uneventful, but that’s what I wanted! I’ve had busy weekends every week since I got back from Christmas break, so it was nice to hang out and relax a little.

Today I’m going to share with you a trend I’ve had my eye on for a while, but haven’t quite been brave enough to try! I once saw Kourtney Kardashian wearing a turban and thought it was the best thing ever, but was certain I could never pull it off. Then, turban headbands started popping up everywhere- a less bold version of the trend. While I still haven’t mustered up the courage to try it myself, I love this look! It’s different, but as easy as throwing on a headband!

I’ve seen these at many boutiques here in College Station, but my favorite come from an Etsy shop I stumbled across a while back. Rayna Jaye has such a great variety of colors and patterns. I honestly can’t decide which is my favorite! I also love the width- I’m really picky about headbands, I can’t have them too fat or too skinny, and these are the perfect width, especially for a turban-style headband.

Here are a few of my favorites! Also, doesn’t Rayna have the best hair you’ve ever seen? I’m jeal.

Emerald and Gray Color Block - Turban Style Headband

I love this Emerald and Gray Color Block option! The two colors give it a fun twist, but it’s not too busy.

Rose Garden - Turban Style Headband

Next is this Rose Garden number. I love the delicate, feminine print of this one- it would be precious paired with a chambray, dark denim, and a pair of nude flats.

I also love this Blush Glitz turban. It’s a little bit of sparkle, but it’s still pretty neutral, so you could wear it with a lot!

Have you tried the turban headband trend? Let me know, and then be sure to check out Rayna Jaye on Etsy!

*Special thanks to Rayna for allowing me to use her photographs!*

That’s all for meow!

For more Sweet Cats!, follow along at:


1 Reason I’m Over The “Blog List” Trend

Hey Cats!

It seems every time I check Facebook, there is a different article telling me a certain number of reasons I should do/not do a specific thing. From “23 Things to Do Besides Getting Engaged Before Age 23”, to “16 Must-Have Qualities in a Husband”, to “39 Reasons Leggings Qualify as Pants” (this one I could get behind), everybody has an opinion on everything, and they’re darn sure going to let us all know about it. AND THEN, some passionate soul takes things too seriously, becomes personally offended, and writes a rebuttal that is consequently smeared all over my Facebook timeline as well.

Let’s be real: this is getting old. Exhausting, really. So naturally, I’ve written a list of my own, but I’ve decided to keep it incredibly brief.  Every time I come across “25 Things You Should Consider Before Deciding What Jewelry to Wear Today”, here’s what comes to mind:

1) I’ll do what I want, thanks. I’m confident enough in my own life choices to know that the opinion of someone I don’t know has no effect on me. I’m not saying I’m against taking a stand on something and telling me why you did- I’ve done that before. I’m just saying that the imperatives are unnecessary. You think you’re better off because you got engaged before you hit a quarter of a century? Cool, I’m going to go blog about my new salmon recipe, respect your choices, and not tell you what to do. What you choose to do is your business, and what I choose to do is mine. I can’t wait for the day we all understand this and Facebook can go back to being my source of comic relief.

Thank you for humoring my sass.

That’s all for meow!

Recipe- Tortellini Soup

Hey Cats!

If we’re being perfectly honest, I have no time to be blogging. I have a finance test today, and I’m kind of worried about it, so clearly I’m procrastinating.

It’s been abnormally chilly here in Texas lately, so soup has been on the menu quite regularly in my house! My roommate made a delicious chicken vegetable soup, and inspired me to stir up a pot of my own. My mom makes a delicious tortellini soup, but I didn’t have time to talk to her and get the recipe, so I picked up a few things at the grocery store and hoped for the best. It turned out quite delicious if I do say so myself!

Here’s what you need

-1/4 of an onion, chopped

-2 cloves of garlic, chopped

-2 tbsp olive oil

-1 small box (4 cups) chicken stock

-2 cans crushed tomatoes

-2 cans white beans

-1 package cheese tortellini (the kind from the refrigerator section)

-Dried parsley

-Dried oregano

-Dried basil

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Here’s what you do:

1. First, in the bottom of your stockpot, sautee the onion and garlic in the olive oil over medium heat until the onion is translucent.

2. Next, pour in the chicken stock and tomatoes, stirring to combine.

3. Then, add the beans and tortellini.

4. Sprinkle in a generous amount of each basil, parsley, and oregano, stirring to incorporate.

5. Cover and let simmer for 15 minutes to let the flavors incorporate and cook the tortellini. Stir occasionally to make sure the beans don’t stick to the bottom!

6. Enjoy!

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This incredibly easy soup is great for a little something different on a chilly night. I hope you like it!

That’s all for meow!

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