In My Closet- Hunter Rainboots

Hey Cats!

I hope you are all staying warm out there! It snowed last night and this morning, and the University closed campus until 10 this morning- unfortunately my class is at 1:50. I guess I will just have to bundle up and brave the cold to go to Finance! If it’s still a little damp outside, I will definitely be wearing my Hunter wellies!

Today, I’m (finally) doing another “In My Closet” post, a series in which I share with you an article of clothing that I personally own that I feel is a staple in the wardrobe of a fashion-forward young woman. This time, I’m featuring my Hunter rainboots!

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Now, I’m not saying you MUST have Hunter boots, because they’re definitely expensive, but a good pair of rain boots is definitely a must in your shoe closet, especially if you do a lot of walking! I got my boots for Christmas, and I am completely obsessed with them! They are extremely comfortable, and have a good, supportive sole, which is great since I’m usually walking long distances across campus when I wear them! I know that makes me sound like someone’s mom, but my old rain boots had a flat sole, and my feet hurt so bad when I wore them that I eventually stopped wearing them! They are also very warm- I actually prefer them to any of my other boots! I wear them when it’s not raining, and I’m not even sorry about it. I chose black because I wanted to be able to wear them with everything, and because I wanted them to be a classic I can wear forever. I love the polished look of these boots, and the outfits I have put together to wear with them.

Enough about my boots, here’s why you need a good pair of galoshes: First of all, there’s nothing worse than soaked socks on a rainy day. For those of you walking across college campuses or big cities, you should definitely invest in a pair! My campus literally floods when it rains, so they’re great for trudging through puddles and staying dry! While there are many patterned options, I love my solid pair. They go with everything, and I don’t have to worry about wearing too many patterns and colors and looking like I’m a five-year-old playing dress up. They’re also great for playing in the snow (I’m assuming this- I’m from Texas, it never snows.) and a variety of other outdoor adventures!

If you don’t already have a pair of wonderful wellies, I would definitely suggest you add them to your single girl closet- you never know when you’ll need them!

That’s all for meow!

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Recipe- Asian Lettuce Wraps

Hey Cats!

I hope everyone’s semester is off to a great start- I know mine is! The three-day weekend was fabulous, my roommates and I went on a little road trip to South Texas and had the BEST time. It was rough Tuesday morning going to school, but luckily I think I’m going to enjoy my classes this round, especially my Health Communication class! That being said, I’ve got a lot of work to do this semester, so unfortunately I might not be able to post as much as I want, but I’ll definitely try!

Today, I’m sharing one of my favorite recipes with you, Asian chicken lettuce wraps. My mom came up with the recipe (and she makes it better than I do), and shared it with me, and hopefully you’ll like it just as much as I do! It’s super easy, and pretty healthy! The sriracha gives it a kick, and the grapes add a little bit of sweet while cutting the spice! Also, the peanuts add a little crunch and texture. So delicious!

Here’s what you’ll need:

-1 bag Romaine hearts- use 3-5 leaves for each person

-1 bag broccoli slaw

-1/2 cup red grapes

-Salted peanuts

-1 chicken breast, thawed and diced



-Soy Sauce

-2 cloves garlic, chopped

-Cilantro, fresh or dried.

Here’s what you do:

1. First, make the dressing for the slaw. Mix together sriracha, honey, and soy sauce. I would suggest starting with a tablespoon of each, and add more of each ingredient to your taste. Chop one clove of garlic and add in a little cilantro, to your taste.

2. Add the broccoli slaw to the dressing mixture. For just myself, I used about a third of the package. Cover, and place in the refrigerator until ready to serve.

3. Make another batch of dressing, same as the slaw, and add the chicken pieces. Allow to marinate while you prepare the lettuce and grapes.

4. Next, prepare the lettuce leaves and grapes. Take the big leaves from the outside of the lettuce head, as these make the best shells for the wraps. Break off each piece and run under water to wash it. Pat each leaf dry with a towel and place on a plate. To prepare the grapes, wash them and cut them in half longways.

5. Next, cook the chicken. I simply sauteed mine in a skillet over medium heat until it was cooked all the way through.

6. Next, assemble the wraps! I place a little slaw in the bottom of the lettuce leaf, then add a few pieces of chicken, grape halves, and peanuts. Enjoy!

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Let me know what you think!

That’s all for meow!

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Spring 2014, Here I Come!

Hey Cats!

So I’m heading back to College Station today for the spring semester! I have mixed emotions about this. Obviously, I’m ready to get back to the place I love, but at the same time, this break has seemed incredibly short, and I wish I had a few more days to spend with my family. I actually hadn’t planned on going back this early, but I have a job interview Friday morning, which is exciting! Also one of my roommates will be back tomorrow as well, and the other on Friday (and our “fourth roommate”/bestie Ashley)! I can’t wait to see them and hear about their break.

Even though I feel like I didn’t get enough time at home, I still had a wonderful break. I got to hang out with my best friend Kinsey a lot, see my extended family, help my sister with wedding stuff, and had an all-around joyful holiday season. I just wish I had a few extra days to hang out and work on my afghan, but I do not. Luckily, I will be home in a few short weeks for my seastar’s wedding, so that will be nice!

I’m really looking forward to this semester, though. Spring semesters have such a different feel from fall. There’s no football, but somehow it seems just as (if not more) busy! I’m excited about my classes, especially my Health Communication class. Also, I’m getting my Aggie ring on April 11th and I literally cannot wait. I’m planning to join a few new organizations this semester, so that should keep me busy! Another goal is to find an internship for this summer, which is going to require a lot of work, but I’m ready! I’ll also be meeting with a few advisors to try and figure out what I’m going to do with my life because help me, I’m almost an adult. In addition to all these things, I’m looking forward to getting more involved with my church and making new friends in my classes and organizations. I can’t wait to see what God will teach me!

So even though I could stay a few more days, I’m ready to be back in a routine. Once I get everything packed (you should see this mess- I don’t even know where to begin) I’ll be singing my way back to Aggieland with my gurl Hilary Duff. Not a joke, I listen to her “Greatest Hits” album every time. She’s very inspirational, and I partially credit my high self-esteem in junior high (and now) to her.

I hope everyone has had a great holiday season, and all of you traveling back to school have a safe trip and a wonderful semester! I look forward to bloggin’ in 2014!

That’s all for meow!

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Suit Shopping for the Entry-Level Individual

Hey Cats!

I hope everyone is enjoying the new year! This is my last week at home before I go back to school, and I have so much to do- doctor appointments, visiting my hair lady, hang out with my bestie before we’re flung across Texas again, and squeeze in a practice LSAT. I got anxiety just typing all of that! But my parents are back at work, so I won’t have anything to do during the day! I’m really excited for this semester, and I’m ready to be back with my roommates and in a routine.

Last week, my family and I went to Dallas to do some shopping. We went on January 1st since everything was on sale, and it was a madhouse. It’s all kind of a blur, but I vaguely remember everyone violating my personal space and saying “I hate people” a number of times. However, it was all worth it because we accomplished our goal of purchasing a suit for me, the soon-to-be adult.

This also gives me anxiety. (It seems we’re all learning a lot about my anxiety issues today…you’re welcome.) It’s really weird and unsettling to think that in a little less than a year, I’m going to have to find something productive to do with my life. I have no clue what I want to do with my life…can I just stay in college forever? Some days I want to be an attorney, some days I want to move to New York and work in PR, and some days I just want to lay down and take a nap. However, I know that I just have to deal with it, and I need to get an internship this summer, even if it’s not what I want to do for the rest of my life. I convinced myself that I can’t go to the career fair at the business school if I’m not wearing a suit, because everyone that’s there has their life together and I super do not, so I should at least look like I do. And I’ll (hopefully) have job interviews next year, so I might as well get one.

This was kind of a stressful situation for me- I wanted to get something that said, “Hire me”, but I also wanted it to be flattering, but not too trendy, but not too stuffy, not too severe, but not too soft….you see the dilemma. Luckily, my sister and mom helped me A LOT, and I learned a lot through this process that I’m going to share to hopefully make your experience less painful.

1. A suit is an investment- be prepared to pay a pretty penny. 

I’m not saying run out and buy something Chanel, but if you want something that looks nice, it’s not going to be cheap. The saying “Dress for the job you want, not the job you have” is a saying I like to live by, and in this case, “Dress for the job you want, not the job you’re interviewing for”. (unless, of course, you’re interviewing for your dream job, then disregard my advice.) The way you present yourself is very important. Even if you’re still in college and interviewing for an internship, you want to look like someone who is professional and takes life seriously (even if you’re not). That being said, you should definitely make an effort to find a good deal- I got my suit at the Banana Republic Factory, and it was $140 total, each piece at least 40% off. Also, keep in mind alteration costs- those can add up!

2. Shop in the right department for your body type

This sounds very obvious, but somehow it wasn’t for me. At exactly five foot, I belong in the petites section, but I never shop there (I just buy cropped jeans and wear them as regular length-not a joke). Because of this, it really didn’t dawn on me to look in the petites section for suits. After a few stores, I tried on a suit from the petites section, and it was magical. I wasn’t drowning in pant puddles, and my hands actually stuck out of the arm holes. Since suits are supposed to have a tailored fit, it’s important to find one that is made for people like you. So if you’re a bit smaller, try the petites section, or if you’re a bit bigger, try the plus section. This will also cut down on alteration costs!

3. Be picky & don’t settle 

This kind of goes along with #2. Make sure you really like what you’re getting, and it’s the best possible option. I had 3 suits on hold at different stores before I ended up buying one. Since you are spending a lot, make sure you leave with something you will wear, knowing it’s the best thing you’ve found that day.

4. Try things on even if you’re not sure how it will look

I refused to try anything other than black, until I got desperate. I reluctantly tried on a navy pin-striped suit, thinking I would rather die than wear pin-stripes, but I ended up loving it (and buying it). Don’t count something out until you try it on!

5. Don’t forget, alterations are always an option

Unless you are incredibly blessed, no suit will fit you exactly. You will probably have to get the pants hemmed or the sleeves shortened, or the jacket taken in. If something fits almost perfectly, I would suggest buying it and getting it altered.

Hopefully this will help keep you sane on your suit-shopping adventure!

That’s all for meow!

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A Warm Welcome to 2014

Hey Cats!

I hope everyone had a spectacular New Year’s Eve! I didn’t do a whole lot, but it was still fantastic! I went over to my friend Kinsey’s house and we watched the Aggies win their bowl game, made super cute confetti crowns, and watched Gatsby. It was pretty tame, but it was a great way to ring in 2014. I’m looking forward to another year of lessons, blessings, glitter and fun!

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That’s all for meow!

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