Cooking For One

Hey Cats!

Happy Wednesday! It came quickly this week, since we had Monday off. I loved having an extra day to sleep in and lay by the pool, but it’s kind of gotten me thrown off a bit! I kept thinking Monday was Sunday and Tuesday was Monday, and I’m always wishing it was Friday. I digress.

I love to cook. I remember being so excited to escape the greasy campus food when I moved out of the dorm and into a house with a kitchen in college. I was going to cook every day and love life! But that proved to be a challenge. I was used to helping my mom cook dinner for our family of four, so when I started making dinner for just myself, I wasn’t sure where to begin! Over the past few years, I’ve perfected the art of cooking for one, and it’s actually not as difficult as you’d think! Here are some of my favorite tips for those of you just moving into your first kitchen!

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1. The freezer is your friend! 

Every two weeks or so, I buy a package of chicken tenders from the meat section of the grocery store, take it home and wrap each one individually in foil and pop it in the freezer. In the past, I bought the huge bag of IQF frozen chicken breasts, but then they started to get really gross (think blood and bones-ick.). This may be slightly more expensive and doesn’t last as long, but they’re definitely better quality! Plus, it’s super easy to just move one from the freezer to the fridge in the morning to thaw for dinner that night!

In addition to chicken, I will occasionally buy a big piece of salmon and cut it into thirds or quarters, depending on the size, and freeze that as well. However, I would recommend eating the salmon within the week!

I also like to keep a bag of frozen corn and a bag of frozen peas on hand in my freezer. If I don’t feel like cooking a vegetable I’ll just heat up a small bowl of one of those, or if I’m making stir fry I’ll just toss in a handful! These last forever and they’re super cheap!

2. Try to repurpose your leftovers in creative ways. 

I’m usually okay with leftovers, but when you live alone, leftovers can last a while longer than you want them to. I don’t know about you, but eating something every day for dinner (and sometimes lunch also) makes me never want to eat it again. Typically, I try to avoid leftovers, but sometimes it can’t be helped! Let’s say you made a pound of hamburger meat for stuffed bell peppers one night, and you still have a lot left. Well, you could make tacos the next day, or you could make a small pot of chili!

3. Buy perishables in small quantities.

Sometimes it’s super tempting to buy both asparagus AND Brussels sprouts, but don’t. You will regret it and it will be a waste of money, because one will definitely go bad before you can eat it. You might think that you’ll get tired of the same vegetable every night, but if you prepare it a little differently, that will shake things up a bit! I like to roast Brussels sprouts, but sometimes I sprinkle them with red pepper, or toss them in sriracha, or sprinkle them with goat cheese!

4. If you want something big, invite friends over! 

I love lasagna and enchiladas, but if I made them for just myself, I could never eat it all! If I’m dying to have something different, I will whip it up and invite a few friends over to help me eat it. And depending on how many people you have/what you make, you may still have some leftover for lunch!

5. Don’t be afraid to experiment

I will often find recipes on Pinterest that look delicious, but they typically feed a small country. If I want to try it, I’ll peruse the ingredients and come up with a smaller version for myself! Or, I will add the ingredients on top of a pizza or mix them into pasta for something easy and different. Just make sure you scale everything down evenly, or else the flavors will be off and it will not be delicious.

Cooking for one can seem boring, but it doesn’t have to be! Hopefully you learned something new today. If you have any tips or yummy recipes for just one person, let me know! Also, be sure to check out all of my recipes– most of them have a serving size of one person!

That’s all for meow!

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DIY-Collage Frame Update

Hey Cats!

About .03 seconds after I signed my lease for my big-girl apartment, I started to think about how I was going to decorate each room. Mostly, I was considering how I would re-use what I already had, partly because I liked it all, but mostly because I didn’t have enough money to completely re-furnish an entire apartment. I was able to use most of my furniture as it was and then (have my dad) re-paint the rest of it, so all I had to buy was a couch! I also had a lot of art to hang on my walls that I had collected over the years, and it all fit pretty well into my color scheme. However, I had this collage frame that I bought for my dorm that I had glued buttons onto to “customize” it when I was in my hot glue phase (everyone has one). As a matter of fact, that was one of my first blog posts on Sweet Cats! (please read it, I love it). As wonderful as that was for my college room, I had definitely outgrown the buttons. So I peeled them off and spray painted it! Which, by the way, was not an easy task. Getting the buttons off, I mean. I had to use a butter knife, a flathead screw driver, and finally my dad’s pocket knife. Crafting can be dangerous.

I would make this a tutorial, but I presume you all know how to spray paint, so I’ll just show you how it turned out!



1. Sorry for the glare and 2. If you’re my friend and pictured in this collection of best moments from senior year, I hope it’s okay I posted you without consent. Just a few coats of gold spray paint and this frame was taken from girlish to glamorous! Also, I need to address the giant blemish near the top. One button didn’t really want to come off, and so it left a tiny hole. It’s just the angle in this photo that makes it so obvious, but when you look at it in real life it’s not as visible! I’m so glad I got to re-use this frame, because it has so many spaces for photos of my friends, which is something I love to have in my house. I also think it’s cool that I’ve been able to use it throughout college and now after! This just goes to show that if you’re on a tight decorating budget, tweaking the things you already have can make a big difference!

That’s all for meow!

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Monday’s Musings

Hey Cats!

Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a good weekend! I got to see my family this weekend, which was wonderful. My sister and her husband came to see me on Saturday, and we went to lunch and explored my new neighborhood a bit! Then on Sunday, I got to spend some time with my parents, and they got to see my apartment without boxes all over the floor. It was a great weekend, and I’m excited to go back for another week at work!

Speaking of my job, I am really enjoying it. I definitely still have a lot to learn, but I’m starting to get used to everything and not be so overwhelmed. I think it’s going to be a great way for me to learn about the administration side of healthcare, which is the direction I want my career to head in.

While I was looking for a job, I started freaking out once January rolled around, and started considering taking anything rather than what I really wanted. But at the same time, I didn’t want to take a job doing something I didn’t want to do, or end up living somewhere I didn’t want to be. I had quite a few “requirements” for what I wanted out of a job: something in healthcare, preferably pediatrics, something in the Houston area, and something that would give me the opportunity to help other people. But most importantly to me was to be in Houston. I have a lot of friends here, I love the city, and I think it’s a good place for me to be at this point in my life. I started applying for jobs at hospitals in the Medical Center, which is home to some of the best hospitals in the world. It wasn’t long after I received my first rejection letter from one of these hospitals that I realized I wasn’t going to go straight to the top fresh out of college. So I started to re-think my career goals. I applied to lots of PR jobs, social media specialist positions, and even positions in the fashion industry. But something kept pulling me back to the healthcare field, even though I had convinced myself that it probably wasn’t going to happen. There are a few really great hospitals in Tyler, where I’m from, and they actually had quite a few positions that I would have liked and was qualified for. But I knew I didn’t want to go back to Tyler, and just as I felt really strongly about working in the healthcare field, I felt like Houston was the place for me. I knew I was being really picky, but I kind of didn’t care.



I found a lot of jobs that I was “qualified” for. I found a lot of jobs that I may have been pretty good at. I found a lot of jobs in Tyler, Dallas, College Station, and places inbetween that sounded like something I would want to do. But I couldn’t do it- I was dead set on Houston. In fact, I only applied to two jobs that weren’t in Houston, one in Austin and one in College Station. I don’t think my parents know this, but I didn’t apply to a single job in Tyler. I started on a few applications, but I never finished them. Part of me was terrified that I was putting myself in an impossibly small box, but the other part of me was terrified to settle for something I didn’t want. So I kept applying, but only for jobs I thought I would love, in places I thought I would enjoy, constantly praying that the Lord would work things out for me.

The end of April, I received a job offer from a company in College Station. It was something I think I really would have enjoyed, but (along with a few other factors), I knew that after graduation, it was time for me to move on from Aggieland, as much as I loved it. As much as it scared me, I knew that it wasn’t the job for me and I needed to turn it down. I called them and declined the offer on a Wednesday afternoon, came to terms with the fact that I was going home to Tyler after graduation by Thursday morning, and received an offer for my job in Houston by lunch on Friday. Now, I know that this doesn’t happen for everyone. And honestly, I wasn’t really sure it was going to happen for me until it actually did. But, with lots of faith in myself and, what I was capable of, a refusal to settle, and most importantly, lots of prayer and a belief that God would provide exactly what I needed, I was pleasantly surprised.

Aside from my job search, there were quite a few things I decided not to settle on this year. Not settling for boys I knew were bad news. Not settling for three laps when I knew I could run four. Not settling for surface-level friendships with people I met this year when I knew I would be gone in a few months. Not settling for taking the easy way to being accepted and doing what was right instead. Not settling for missing out on anything my senior year even though I didn’t have time for it. And you know what? All of that was really hard. But I know that it helped me learn not to accept anything I didn’t want, in every area of my life. I guess the moral of the story is to trust God, trust your gut, and when you feel deep down inside that something isn’t right for you, don’t do it. You may have to wait a while for something else to come along, but it will definitely be worth it.

That’s all for meow!

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DIY- Monogrammed Mortarboard

Hey Cats!

It’s Wednesday! I hope y’all are having a wonderful week, and if not, Friday is in 48 hours, so keep thinking about that. Houston has decided to finally be sunny, which I have been loving after all of these scary floods. Luckily, most of the roads where I live weren’t affected and I was still able to get to work (and Chipotle, thank God), but I know there was a lot of flooding and damage near downtown Houston. But at last the sun is shining, it’s actually worth my time to fix my hair, and it’s finally starting to feel like summer!

As you all know, I recently graduated from college. One thing I had been looking forward to about graduation (for a few years, actually) was decorating the mortarboard. I also knew for quite some time that I wanted to put my monogram on it, because as you all also know, if I can monogram it- I will. On your mortarboard, it’s classic, personal, and even if there are 50 other girls with monogrammed caps, your family can (maybe) still tell which robed figure you are. In the words of my friend Ashley, “either monogram it or leave it blank”. Couldn’t have said it better myself.

However, I personally don’t have the best penmanship (I like to describe my handwriting as comparable to that of an 8th grade boy), so I knew that I wasn’t going to be able to do this myself. Ashley had hers embroidered, which I really, REALLY loved and planned to do for probably a year. But, guess who forgot to order her cap and gown until Spring Break (Sometimes I’m not really sure how I made it through college), and wasn’t able to pick it up until three days before graduation? So embroidery was obviously out of the question, and I was forced to get creative.

While scrolling through my Instagram feed, I caught a glimpse of a car decal on Marley Lilly’s account, and I had an epiphany. Buy the decal and stick it on my hat. Minimal effort, maximum effect. However, I was a little concerned as to whether or not the decal would stick to the fabric on my mortarboard. After all, you only get one hat, and I didn’t want to mess it up. So I emailed support at Marley Lilly, asking whether or not they had ever received feedback on using a car decal on a graduation cap. The girl that responded was very nice, and she even gave me a few tips!


I chose the 5 Inch Decal in pink glitter, because go big or go home, obviously. I chose to place it in the back corner, because the button was in the way, and luckily, it fit right in the center of the “M”. It was pretty easy to apply, but I did accidentally rip it, as you can see in the left corner of the “L”. But, it wasn’t too noticeable, and I was still really happy with it! It matched my dress, and my family said they could definitely find me in the crowd… but that could have been because I was struggling to keep the stupid thing on my head as I walked in Note: if you’re graduating soon, please bring bobby pins, no matter how big you think your head is. Because though they claim to be one size fits all, they sure are not. I digress. But seriously, if you’re looking for a quick and inexpensive way to add a personalized touch to your big day, a decal is the way to go. Marley Lilly has a variety of sizes, fonts, and colors, so you can coordinate to your dress, show some school spirit one last time, or just pick your favorite color! Whatever you decide, just remember that if you don’t monogram it, just leave it blank.

That’s all for meow!

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Monday’s Musings- A Few Updates

Hey Cats!

I feel like I haven’t blogged in maybe 20 years. I’ve wanted to, and I’ve had so many good ideas, but what I haven’t had is time. The past few weeks have been out. of. control. So much has been happening that I feel like I’ve been living in an actual tornado. A happy tornado, though. If that’s a thing. My life has changed so much so quickly, and I’m so excited to finally have time to share it with you!

First, on May 1, I accepted a job offer, which was when the happy/busy tornado began. I was beyond excited, because it’s a healthcare administration position in a pediatric office in the Houston area, which is basically everything I wanted out of a career. When I was applying for jobs, I thought I could probably manage to get one of those three things, two if  I was lucky, but definitely not all three. I’ve already started, but I’m still so excited about starting my career!

My start date for my job was May 26, and graduation was May 16, so my last two weeks in College Station consisted of me scrambling to find a place to live in Houston, packing up my house, hanging out with all of my friends for (hopefully not really) the last time, soaking up the last days of college life, and, of course, graduation. It was such a whirlwind with lots of emotions, and I loved every second of it.

Some of my best friends and I right before graduation.

Some of my best friends and I right before graduation.

After graduation, I went home to Tyler for a week before I moved to Houston. It was nice to be with my family, but it was also really busy, since I had to help my dad paint some of my furniture, pack up my room, and (try) to clean up and not leave my parents with a mess! It was a little sad to leave, knowing that I was about to be actually, really, 100% on my own in Houston, but I was excited! My parents helped me move in last weekend, and my first week of work has been great! I also love my apartment, but I’m not sure what to do with all this free time I have now that I don’t have homework or tests!

I'm an educated woman!

I’m an educated woman!

It’s been a lot of change in a small amount of time, but I know that it was time for a change. I absolutely loved college, and my four years in Aggieland will always be some of my favorite years of my life. But, near the end, I could tell that I was “outgrowing” college, and I was ready to have real responsibilities and be more of an adult. I’m excited for this new stage of my life, and I’m excited to share it all with you on the blog!

That’s all for meow!

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Campus Chic

Hey Cats!

My name is Kristen, and I think I really like sports. Like a lot. This is somewhat of a recent development, and I’m really surprised by it. I even told my mom that I might want to work for a professional sports team, so it’s getting pretty serious. I mean, I’ve always liked football- I’m from Texas and my dad was a coach, so most of my fall Friday nights since birth were spent at football games. And I started to like basketball in high school, when I would cheer at the games. But besides Aggie football games, sporting events are never something I’ve just been dying to go to, until now. I’ve had multiple weekends this semester where I would go to a baseball game and a basketball game, and I even went to two on the same day. Stop. Part of me thinks that it’s because I’m trying to soak up the last bits of my Aggieland experience (true), but I also think I’m developing more diverse interests, which is always a good thing. So now let’s talk about my main interest: clothes.

Just because I’m gaining a sporty side doesn’t mean my wardrobe is going to suffer. I still like to piece together a spirited yet polished look for games- something that says, “I appreciate a good dunk, but I’m still going to talk to my friends when I get bored”. Obviously.


It was still a little chilly at the last basketball game I went to, so I wore my favorite cream sweater from JCPenney, which I have seriously worn the crap out of this winter. I realized I kept wearing the same thing when it showed up in three of my Instagram posts. In a row. Oops. I added a maroon pashmina (similar) and my monogrammed clutch from Benevolent Jewels (20% off with coupon KCODE20!) for a chic touch of my school colors. I threw on my versatile brown Gianni Bini booties, and then capped it all off with my Aggie baseball cap (similar). I like the casual vibe it adds to the outfit, plus my hair was icky that day so everyone wins.


So let’s talk about this clutch a little bit more. I bought this during football season, because that’s when the outfits really matter, and it has proved a great investment to my gameday wardrobe. You can fit your keys, your phone, and your ticket inside and it’s perfect for a day of tailgating/watching the game! Plus it has a chain so you can wear it as a crossbody, which I usually do. There are a rainbow of both clutches and thread colors, so whether you’re a Baylor Bear, a Carolina Tar Heel, an Ole Miss Rebel or anything in-between, they’ve got you covered! It’s the perfect fashionable and functional addition to any sporting event ensemble.

This week is just getting started, but it’s looking to be a busy one- mainly because I stopped doing homework the Wednesday before Spring Break and now I have to catch up. #SeniorYear. With that being said, I will be goin’ up on this Tuesday-up to my hole, reading Marketing and blogging on my breaks.

That’s all for meow!

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Linking up with Lauren today!

Monday’s Musings

Hey Cats!

How was everyone’s Spring Break? I’m assuming you’ve all had Spring Break by now, because mine was super late this year! I went to the beach with my parents the first weekend, which was a lot of fun, but not nearly long enough- I could have stayed all week! But I have loved being at home and just hanging out with my sister, shopping, and hiding from my real life. Except on Thursday when I wrote an entire term paper in under 12 hours. Hi, my name is Kristen and my favorite stop on the train to academic success is the Procrastination Station. It was supposed to be due the week before spring break, then my professor decided to give us an extra week, which was really generous, but it was due during spring break. This should not have been a problem, except I tend to have a “due today, do today” policy on homework. It’s a really bad habit, I know, but I’ve been this way ever since my mom stopped having to sign my folder in about the second grade. I have tried to change my ways, but to no avail. It’s like I can’t do my best on something until I’m under extreme pressure and time constraints. This is probably an extremely unhealthy way to live life, but it’s gotten me pretty far and I only have two months of school left so let’s not fix what isn’t broken. But I digress.

Speaking of two months of school left, that’s a thing that’s happening right now. Actually it’s less than two months- I graduate from Texas A&M on May 16! Who else feels like they just started the spring semester? I came across this wonderful quote on Pinterest that really captured my distress on this issue:

march quote


That’s pretty much how I felt when Spring Break rolled around last week. It’s just all happened so fast! I haven’t worn my riding boots enough. I’m not sure if I’m ready for this college thing to be over. I don’t have a job yet (a personal favorite). Have I even been doing all my homework?! Easter dresses, what? I need to get a pedicure if I’m going to start wearing sandals soon. Ugh, it’s about to be pollen season. General nervous laughter. You get the idea.

I love spring and I’m super excited about it, but I feel like I skipped a couple of months somewhere! I guess this is just another lesson about how life moves so fast when you’re having fun. So let’s all take a deep breath, not freak out (HAHA), and take advantage of the rest of the school year! Or spring if you’re a real adult.

Have a great week, that’s all for meow!

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Friday’s Five

Hey Cats!

Happy Friday! This week has flown by, which I can’t decide if I love or hate. Also, the weather. Who can I talk to about the disparities in frozen road distribution across Texas? Because it seems like literally everyone had snow days except for College Station. I mean, it snowed at Baylor in Waco, which isn’t an hour and a half away, so basically three feet in weather distance. And in Tyler, my parents and sister either had early dismissal or just didn’t go to work Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. They would tell me that they were all sitting in the living room by the fire as I sat in my office trying to defrost my fingers after my trudge across campus. But I digress.

It’s been an eventful couple of weeks, so I’m sure I could do Friday’s Fifteen- but I’ll spare you. Here’s what I’ve been loving lately:

1. Meeting the Pioneer Woman


Something about senior year makes you want to do everything you’ve been meaning to do for the past four years, because “I’ll never get to do this again!”. For me, that was attending three sporting events in the span of five days. Shocking, I know. Actually, I have really enjoyed basketball since I was in high school, and Aggie basketball is 15x better. Anyways, I went to the game against LSU last Tuesday night with my friend Shelbie, and lo and behold, Ree Drummond, the Pioneer Woman was in attendance. She is my culinary hero, and I’ve always said that I would be open to living on a ranch only if I could be as fabulous as she is. We walked over to the section she was in and asked her to take a few pictures, and she was sweet enough to take one with each one of us! She told us that her daughter Alex had just been accepted to Texas A&M, and asked us why she should choose Aggieland. I think I said something really vague along the lines of “it’s the best!”, but what I really meant was, “This place means the world to me. Not only have I received the highest quality education, but I’ve made the best of friends. I’ve learned so much about my faith, myself, and other people. There’s a sense of friendship among literally everyone here that’s unlike anything I’ve ever experienced, and I know that I’ll be a part of that even after I graduate. But most importantly, this place has given me the skills to become the type of person I always wanted to be, but never really had the confidence to be.” (#senioryearsap) But obviously, that would have been a little long-winded. So we snapped our photos, thanked Ree and told her that Alex would be making the best decision of her life by becoming an Aggie, and skipped back to our seats to witness a very exciting Aggie victory over those silly LSU kitties.

2. French Toast in a Mug


I don’t know what it is, but something about making food in a mug just gets me really excited. I think it’s because I feel like there aren’t as many things to clean up afterwards, but let’s be honest, I am a walking mess so “minimal cleanup” is kind of a pipe dream for me. I found this recipe for French Toast in a mug on Pretty Prudent, and it looks like a wonderful option for Saturday breakfast. Also how cute is that mug?

3. #LlamaDrama


Yesterday, the Internet completely lost its mind. First came the Great Llama Chase of 2015, and the “what color is this dress?” debacle (which I will not address-you people have too much time on your hands, go do some homework.). Most important, obviously, is the high-speed llama chase. This Buzzfeed article provides excellent footage of two llamas frolicking through the streets of Arizona. Bless them. Also those little suckers are FAST. Just look at ’em go.

4.The Skimm


As I may have shared before, I love to start my day with The Skimm! There is SO MUCH going on in the world, and I’m not just talking about llama chases and silly debates about color. The Skimm is a daily email that gives you a quick overview of important issues- ISIS, Israel, the Keystone XL Pipeline, and the like. It’s important to stay informed, so if you haven’t subscribed, do it right now!

5. Tildon Dress



A few weeks ago, I went to Houston to visit my bestie Ashley, and I tried on this Tildon shift dress at Nordstrom. I couldn’t justify buying it, because I had just bought a similar dress that I hadn’t even worn yet. And then last week, I bought yet another similar dress that I have yet to wear. But I kind of can’t stop thinking about this dress- the cut is very flattering, and the colors are so much fun! I don’t really need it, so I’m going to try and control myself, but no promises. If anyone feels like talking me into buying it, be my guest.

That’s all for meow! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend- and stay warm!

For more Sweet Cats!, follow along at:


Monday’s Musings

Hey Cats!

Happy Monday! And it’s extra happy for those of us who have today off! I definitely need this extra day to get my ducks in a row before I go back to school! I realized last night that I don’t have any pens or notebooks and folders for my classes. Oops. I also have a few other errands to run, and other chores I’ve been putting off all week. Yay for the last minute!

Last night I met up with some of my friends for coffee, and we had a great time! They are always so encouraging, and I’m so thankful to have them in my life. We don’t get together as often as we would like, but I always really look forward to hearing about and celebrating each other’s accomplishments and goals. Since this is our last semester, we talked a lot about jobs, future plans, and all of the upcoming changes in our lives. We discussed that it can be a little scary, but it’s also a really, really exciting time, and that made me think of this quote:


It can be scary to not know what’s ahead, but as my friends and I discussed, we don’t have anything to be afraid of. This is a very exciting time in our lives, and it’s a good time to do things we’ve never had the opportunity to do before, or won’t always have the opportunity to do, like go move to another state or travel around. Being brave with your life can mean lots of different things. It can mean taking a job in a new town, or taking a temporary internship in an industry you’re dying to work at. It can mean jumping at every chance for a new adventure, or it can mean taking a step back to re-evaluate your priorities. It can mean putting yourself out there to make new friends, but it can also mean recognizing that true friendship is a rare find. For me, being brave with my life means trusting that God will fulfill His promises to me, even if that happens in a unique way. It also means being confident in my abilities at work, school, and even here on my blog. Being brave is investing time and effort into new friendships at the tail end of my college career. It also means not settling even when I’m not sure when another opportunity will come along. Whatever being brave with your life means to you, I encourage you this week (and this year and forever) to do that, and remember that you don’t have anything to be afraid of!

That’s all for meow!

For more Sweet Cats!, follow along at:


Friday’s Five

Hey Cats!

Yay for Friday! My sister is coming to visit tomorrow, so I’m super excited for the weekend. I’m not sure what we’re going to do yet, but I know we’ll have a great time! This week has seemed super short to me, probably because I was home until Monday. Here’s what I’m loving this week:


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Turning 22, obviously. I had a great weekend at home with my family filled with shopping, lake and pool time, and (too much of) the best birthday cake ever. Then when I got back to school on Monday, I went to dinner with some of my cute friends at Napa Flats, one of my favorite College Station restaurants, which is the picture above. At first I was a little sad to be turning 22…everyone makes such an ordeal about turning 21, and then after that you’re just old. But I think 22 is going to be a wonderful year full of new adventures, responsibilities, and experiences, and I’m super excited!

2. This week, yesterday to be precise, I finished my online class! WHOOP. This means nothing to do but blog for three weeks until the fall semester starts. And also panic because it’s my last year of college.



saturday fall dress

Kate Spade Saturday released their Fall Collection this week, and I’m LOVING IT. I’m especially taken with their newest pattern, Tic Tac Tile, seen on this adorable Short-Sleeve Shift Dress. Check it out if you have a chance!

4. I acquired a large baguette while I was at home, so I made bruschetta Wednesday night, and it was delicious. Not to mention I felt pretty fancy. I would have done an entire post, but I didn’t think about it until I’d eaten about half of it, and all of my pictures came out looking kind of sad. I used this recipe as a guide, but used cherry tomatoes, skipped the fresh garlic and fresh mozzarella, and didn’t really measure anything. But still, SO GOOD, if you are ever gifted a baguette and you aren’t sure what to do with it, make bruschetta.


photo (89)


So since I’ve been to the gym everyday for about 3 weeks and have been running, I’ve convinced my parents that I’m an athlete. When I told my dad that my ankles had been hurting when I ran, he concluded that I needed real running shoes. We went while I was home, and I got these Brooks Adrenaline GTS 14‘s, and I’m mildly obsessed with them. They have excellent arch support, which was the issue with my old shoes, and they also feel like clouds and move with my feet. So, in one of the greatest plot twists of all time, it’s official: Kristen Moss is a runner- and she #lovesit.

I’m linking up with Amy & Karli today for Oh Hey Friday!


Have a great weekend! That’s all for meow!

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