2014- A Review

Hey Cats!

I’m sure we’ve all seen the “Year in Review” videos all over our Facebook timelines  for the past few weeks. You can’t miss them, literally EVERYONE has one. I watched my own, but decided not to share, mostly because I had a total of maybe five pictures from this year, and also because I only post to Facebook when it’s a life or death situation, like pictures every month or so to prove I have friends, only a few of my blog posts, or when I need people to do something for my organization. You know, the important stuff. Because of my social media habits, I feel like Facebook does not even begin to know the extent of my life, so the quality of any “review” they could give me would be comparable to the test scores of that kid you only see on test days in your Media Audiences class (you know who you are). So I decided to make a little review of my own. Nothing too fancy, just a glimpse at the highlights of a great year. Enjoy!

katie wedding

My sister got married in February, so that was obviously a big day for our family. I was Maid of Honor, which was a lot of fun, even though I forgot to give a speech during the reception because I was too busy dancing. I also caught/ripped the bouquet out of the hands of a small child (I needed it more than she did), but the promised fate has yet to take effect. I loved getting to help my sister get ready for this special day, and I am still so happy for her! Plus now I have a cool brother-in-law to hang out and eat ice cream with, so everybody wins!

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In April, I received my Aggie Ring, which made April 11 possibly the best day of 2014. Actually, it definitely was. The ring is one of my favorite traditions at Texas A&M, and in my family, and to finally have one of my own was a huge accomplishment. Now, every time I look down at my right hand, I am reminded of all my hard work and how it was so very worth all 90 hours of reading, writing, and sometimes tears. I’m still not over flashing it around everywhere I go, and probably never will be. Not sorry.


In May, I started my first longer-than-summer job. So far, I have really enjoyed it, but at first it took a lot of adjusting to get used to that type of responsibility. During the summer, I worked Monday-Thursday, and had plenty of free time in the evenings. However, once school started I had to figure out how to balance both work and school, and it was actually really hard. But, it taught me how to use my time wisely, and how to be a responsible adult and go to work even when I was exhausted from my crazy busy schedule. I also really enjoy working, especially in a field I’m interested in. It’s given me a little more insight on what I want to do after I graduate, which is always helpful! Also, I chose this picture of Hilary Duff because I love her and she looks 9-5ish here, and I don’t have photos of myself in my office just lying around. You understand.

bsb ashley & i

This summer was definitely different from any other. I stayed in College Station to work, which had its ups and downs. I liked being independent, but I really missed my family and being in Tyler. But I made some new friends, got a Political Science class out of the way (best decision ever), and made a few trips to Houston to see my bestie Ashley, one of which included a last-minute Backstreet Boys concert. I kind of enjoyed pretending I was an adult this summer, and spending extra time in my favorite place wasn’t bad either.

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In August, I turned 22. I was actually really happy, I felt like I had definitely outgrown being 21. Everyone expects you to be crazy when you’re 21, and that’s just not me, so I was glad to have a little of that pressure off my shoulders. Plus, I get to say that I’m “Feelin’ 22”, which I love. I was able to celebrate my birthday with both my family and my friends all on the same weekend, something I usually don’t get to do!

phi lamb cov 2014

Throughout the semester, I decided to invest a lot of time and energy into my sorority, since it’s my last year. It was hard at first, because there aren’t many seniors left, and I felt like I didn’t know anyone at meetings. But once I got my prayer group, the lovely ladies you see above, I knew that staying in Phi Lamb for my senior year was the right choice. I may be the oldest one, but all of these girls do such a wonderful job of encouraging me and just being my friends, and I love them all! They have really helped me during one of my most challenging semesters, and I’m looking forward to finishing my senior year with them!


This fall, I participated in Songfest with my sorority for the last time. Songfest is a philanthropy event hosted by Chi Omega at Texas A&M, and sororities and other organizations pair up and prepare a seven-minute dance routine to compete for money for their philanthropies. And bragging rights for a whole year. I did Songfest my freshman year and loved it, but didn’t have time my sophomore or junior years, so I was determined to do it this year if it killed me. Dancing and performing has been such a big part of my life since I was three years old, and I knew this would probably be my last chance to participate in any type of performance, so I did it even though I literally did not have time. It was so much fun, I made so many new friends, and I got to re-live my cheerleading days with a backflip circle, so #worthit.

b-stud at gristmill

Another group I’ve really loved hanging out with this year is my Bible study group from church. We’ve had the same group since the beginning of my junior year, but we really started to become good friends in the spring, and especially this fall. I always look forward to Thursday nights, because we’re like a huge, loud, crazy family. They’ve taught me that it’s okay to not be perfect, that I’m not always right, and that Christian community is so important and can be so much fun. I’ve definitely found some forever friends within this group of girls and guys.

cat onesies

Last but not least, my mom got my sister and I the most fabulous leopard onesies for Christmas, and I kind of just need you all to know about them. That’s really the only reason I added this picture. Also, they have tails and glitter claws- bye.

I think the biggest lesson I learned this year was that life happens so fast. I feel like I just got to college, and now I only have one semester left! I learned to take advantage of the opportunities in front of me, enjoy the people around me, and let go of the things and people behind me. God has blessed me so much in 2014, and I can’t wait to see what the next year has in store!

I hope you all had a great year as well, and best wishes for 2015 (A-WHOOP!)

That’s all for meow!

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Florals & Fur

Hey Cats!

I never know what to do with myself on winter break after Christmas is over. It’s always so busy the week of Christmas with shopping, cooking, wrapping presents, and visiting family that once December 26th rolls around, everything halts and I’m left with a shirt box full of candy and nothing but time. Lately, I’ve been running errands with my mom, blogging, not working out and then freaking out about it, and trying to talk myself into starting to apply for real jobs (it’s not working so help please, I’m almost an adult). Since I haven’t had this much time off since last winter break, I’ve been relishing the time I have to relax, but I’m starting to feel like a bum- yikes! Hopefully I can find something productive but still fun to do over the next few weeks!

Two of my favorite trends lately have been big florals and fur vests. Now, I know it’s usually frowned upon to combine multiple trends, but I really love how they look together!

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Dress- Forever 21, Fur Vest- Francesca’s, Booties-DSW, Earrings-Kendra Scott, Clutch- Marley Lillyc/o


I bought this dress for a date party a few weeks ago. I waited until the day of the party to go shopping, and was frantically running around the fabulous Post Oak Mall trying to find something that fit the “Florals & Flannels” theme and that would go with my cowboy boots, since it was two-stepping. Well, I found this, and I loved it so much that I honestly forgot about the cowboy boots and just bought it, and it happened to look really cute! Anyways, I couldn’t find it online, but I love this one, this one, and this one! I have been dying to wear it with my booties and tights, and then I got the idea to throw on one of the latest pieces that fuels my outerwear obsession, my fur vest, and I loved it! The fur makes it extra fancy, not to mention extra warm! This would be a great look for holiday parties, if those weren’t all over by now. Oops. But you could wear this on date night, or maybe even to a New Year’s party, if you’re not really into sequins (but I don’t know why you wouldn’t be)! Also, this dress has optimal twirl potential, so if you’re dancing, this is definitely the right choice.

I’m linking up with Lauren at Style Elixir today!


That’s all for meow!StyleSessionsLogo zps1d35aa03 Style Sessions Fashion Link Up: Party Skirts and Bows


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In Defense of the UGG Boot

Because we all have a pair, and we’re all desperately searching for justification to wear them.



I got my Ugg boots for Christmas my junior year of high school at the height of their popularity, circa 2009.  Not only did I think they were the cutest shoes ever, I was going on a class trip to Washington D.C. that spring, and obviously I needed sherpa-lined footwear because there would be snow, and I’m from Texas and literally have no idea how to handle that. So, on Christmas morning 2009, 17-year old Kristen became a basic white girl, and not much has changed since then.

I have many fond memories of wearing my Ugg boots, and I’m actually quite impressed that they’ve held up for six years, including three long, hard, College Station winters. Unfortunately, I have also committed quite a few crimes of fashion while wearing them. These include (but are not limited to): wearing my Juicy Couture tracksuit TUCKED INSIDE the boots (I’m so, so sorry about this one) on multiple occasions (one happened like, last year. It was finals and I needed Starbucks, and I didn’t think I would see anyone I knew- I was wrong), with a sweater dress, and my personal favorite, with my cheerleading uniform to basketball games in high school because I obviously could not be bothered to put my cheer shoes on at my own house.

So many people hate Ugg boots, and to be honest, I get it- to an extent. They are not that cute and they actually make your feet look like giant potatoes. They make many short girls like me look incredibly stubby, and don’t even get me started on the ones with colorful glitter. But…have you ever put them on? They’re like little cloud pockets for your feet. And they’re so warm. I have worn them in actual snow, across campus in “freezing” conditions, and to the dumpster in mid-October, and my feet have always been so cozy. They are so great for when you’re running late to class, anytime the temperature is below 40 degrees, when you feel like wearing pajamas all day (for we all know that Uggs are the pajamas of shoes), or for when lacing up tennis shoes sounds like the hardest task in the world and you cannot even.

Here’s the deal: I know that my Uggs make me have potato feet and stubb legs, and look like a “basic white girl” (but pretty much everything does these days). I am aware that I am one of the diminishing few that wear them to school/the grocery store/anywhere. But I love them. I love them because they’re warm. I love them because they’re easy. I love them because you hate them. But most of all, I love them because nothing says “I do literally whatever I want” more than a pair of Ugg boots in public.

That’s all for meow!

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Monday’s Musings

Hey Cats!

I’m keeping it short and sweet today, with this little quote that’s actually on a pillow at Nordstrom (I’ll be needing this soon).

fabulous pillow

That’s my goal for Christmas break: to be so fabulous that I stay in my pajamas until lunch, and maybe even past lunch if I feel like it. I hope you all get a chance to rest over the holidays as well!

That’s all for meow!

For more Sweet Cats!, follow along at:


Friday’s Five

Hey Cats!

It’s Friday at last! Today you’ll probably find me having a panic attack in holiday traffic because some car with those stupid antlers cut me off, since I have waited until now to start my Christmas shopping. LOL, TIS THE SEASON. Also, since I had copious amounts of time to waste this week while I was supposed to be studying for finals, I have found all sorts of wonderful things on the Internet to share with you people. So here’s what I’m loving:

1. Mayhem for JCrew


Do you remember Mayhem, the adorable little girl that makes paper dresses? Well, she’s working with JCrew on a collection for Crewcuts. No, this is not a drill- a 4-year-old has your dream job. According to this Buzzfeed article, the 9-piece collection will be available this spring, and in all honesty, I will probably try to fit into it. Or maybe I’ll just buy a headband-tiara and hope that one day, I too will be able to form a collaboration with Jenna Lyons out of craft supplies.

2. Last-Minute Gift Ideas


I saw these “Holiday Survival Kits” on Pinterest the other day, and I thought they were adorable! Not necessarily because I need a kit to survive the holidays, but mostly because I like the idea of tying a scarf around the outside of the jar. I feel like gift jars/baskets can sometimes convey a message of, “hey, I didn’t want/have time to get you an actual gift, so I threw some crap in a basket and tied a bow on it, enjoy!” but the scarf makes it more of an actual gift.

3. Prince George’s Christmas Portrait


The best Christmas card that none of us will receive. The Royals released Prince George’s Christmas portraits last week and they couldn’t be more adorable. The cheeks! The hair! The sweater vest! I feel like I could be great friends with this kid- just look at that face, you know he’s got some tricks up his sleeve.

4. Fair Isle Sweaters

JCrew fair isle sweater

So I have this mild obsession with Fair Isle sweaters that tends to resurface around Christmas. Something about them just looks so warm and cozy, which is definitely what I need for Texas weather. Jokes. But I always have this picture in my mind of myself wearing a Fair Isle sweater whilst traipsing around in a snow-covered wooded area, and I’d really like to make that dream a reality. Because the sweater is what’s holding me back. I really like this pastel option from JCrew Factory, so maybe if I get it I can settle for wearing it while walking across campus. Maybe.

5. Man Repeller


I may be a little behind on this discovery, but I came across the blog Man Repeller while avoiding studying for finals, and I’m dying. Two of my favorites? This wonderful turtleneck hair tutorial, and this hilariously accurate account of waiting on a boy to text you back that has me convinced I’m being watched/terrified that it actually doesn’t get any better.

That’s all for this week! I’m home for Christmas break, so I can finally blog like a normal person again. YAYAY.

That’s all for meow!

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Thoughts From my Closet Floor

Hey Cats!

*An intro: something different today- a creative narrative. Enjoy please.

It happened.I was so convinced it wasn’t going to, but it did. I even told people it wasn’t going to happen.

But I was wrong. 3:47 pm on Saturday afternoon, I found myself in panic mode about finals, and I ended up in tears in my closet.

Yes. In my closet. On the floor. After a few minutes had passed and I had exhausted all of my not-exactly-genuine-more-like-dramatic-effect tears, I paused to reflect.

“You’re being ridiculous. You need to pull it together, write your essay, and then start studying for everything else. You’ve done this a million times, you can do it. Be an adult. Besides, I look great and I better be going on multiple job interviews in the spring- don’t screw this up.” snapped my Banana Republic power suit from inside its garment bag home.

She’s right, and I know it.

“But wait, think about how much fun you’re going to have over Christmas break!” my fur vest piped in. “No business casual for an entire month!”

That sounds really wonderful…also most of my other friends have been done for weeks. Why am I still here? This is the cruelest of punishments. When I get home, I’m going to sleep, drink coffee, blog until I’m literally out of ideas, and do everything I want and nothing I don’t.

The activewear section interrupted my daydream of my copious amounts of free time: “Um, why are you wearing that Juicy Couture tracksuit, is it 2003? What about all of these leggings you buy on impulse?”

Okay, 1. those are exclusively for the gym/when I’m going to be around other people and 2. IT’S FINALS WEEK I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT BYE.

Speaking of the gym, I haven’t been today.

“Well you need to, we’re bored and tired of being in this box,” exclaimed my running shoes. Yeah, that makes two of us.

Okay, I’ll go to the gym. But I have to write at least one page first. Or maybe just a paragraph. Actually, I’ll just go over the chapters for that topic and think about it while I run.

Crap, it’s 4:03. I literally need to GET IT TOGETHER.

No gym until you actually do something productive, Kristen. Like write a blog post. Or eat dinner. Too bad you cleaned your room already or that would count.

4:05. Clock is ticking on your success at life/this semester. Actually, I have a really got shot at something above a 3.5 for the first time in a while. I should work on that.

“Good talk, guys,” I say to my garments. “And thanks for lighting a fire under my butt, Banana Republic. I can always count on you to make me be responsible”. (side eye to the tribal print mini skirt.)

Here’s hoping your finals week is coming along better than mine, and that if not you also have a nice closet to cry in.

That’s all for meow!

For more Sweet Cats!, follow along at:


{Fall}-ing for Monograms- Collaboration with Marley Lilly

Hey Cats!

Yay for Thursday and yay for being finished with my test and final paper! I actually just submitted my paper- I finished in the wee hours of the morn, per usual, and I always like to read it over a few times after I’ve gotten a little rest, just to make sure it’s ready to go! I actually didn’t do that the first time I submitted a paper for this course, and just sent it off at 2 a.m., and ended up with an awful typo- a percent sign in the middle of a word. Luckily my professor overlooked that mistake, but now I feel like I have to turn in work that says, “Yes, hi, I am actually a competent student and am capable of producing senior-level, liberal arts-major quality essays”. But I digress.

As with the majority of southern college-aged girls, monograms are a recent obsession I have been treating myself to on the regular (maybe too frequently, but it’s casual. It’s fine.). There’s something very personal about a monogram: it tells people who you are in the simplest of ways, and I love adding that traditional touch to my accessories. In fact, I recently told my sister that “if it’s not black, leopard, or emblazoned with my monogram, I’m not really interested”. So there’s that.

Marley Lilly, the monogram Mecca, recently sent me a few treats that fit perfectly in my fall wardrobe! I was beside myself when I got the package, and have had so much fun wearing my new monograms lately!

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I received the Scalloped Luxe Clutch, which I have had my eye on for quite a while (now available in gold and beyond perfect for the holidays), and the Monogrammed Tassel Bracelet, which is a great addition to my stacked wrist.

I wore this outfit to brunch and shopping last weekend with my parents when they were in town for Songfest, and I decided it was my favorite casual fall ensemble (so far). It’s casual and comfortable without being sloppy!

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Flannels are another one of my fall faves- they’re so warm and cozy, and can be dressed up (like this) or thrown over a t-shirt and leggings to go to class. True story: all of my flannels are from the men’s section of JcPenney. They’re always on sale and fit a little large, which is how I like them! Also my dad thinks the flannel trend is really awesome, and so he has been known to surprise me with flannels occasionally, which is adorable. I paired it with my puffy vest, jeans, and riding boots, and added the clutch and bracelet to complete the look!

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I will definitely be wearing both the bracelet and clutch throughout the season and beyond! If you’re looking for the perfect monogrammed addition to your favorite fall outfit, head over to Marley Lilly for plenty of options!

That’s all for meow!

For more Sweet Cats!, follow along at:


*I was provided free samples from Marley Lilly to review, however all opinions are my own!

Gift Guide- Best Friends

Hey Cats!

Christmas is COMING! I literally can’t believe it’s already December. This semester has absolutely flown by, but at the same time I feel like I haven’t had any down time in forever. I think staying in College Station over the summer has gotten me all sorts of confused. I digress. But really, it’s already December and as if finals weren’t enough to stress about, I have yet to decide for sure what I’m getting anyone for Christmas, let alone purchase anything. Also, since I have an actual income, I want to buy my family and friends something nice that I actually want to get  them, not just something that I bought because I could afford it.

It’s easy to buy for my friends, because I just buy things I would like. This also goes for my sister, but I know not everyone is basically twins with their sister, so for all intents & purposes, this is a “best friends gift list”. Here are a few things I have my eye on:


First, I’m loving this mug from Ashley Brooke Designs. She has a wide variety of sayings for all types of friends, but I’m loving this little quip for some of my sassier, coffee-drinking friends.


Next is this personalized notepad from Design Darling. While I love a good monogram, I think the full name is a refreshing touch to this stationery. This would be perfect for your friend with a busy schedule and a list-making tendency, and would make an adorable addition to a home or office desk.

marley lilly tervis

Another great option is this monogrammed travel tumbler from Marley Lilly. I have one similar to this, and it’s great for bringing an extra cup of coffee to work or school on early mornings! This is great for your friend who’s always on-the-go.

i can't bracelet baublebar

Finally, this sassy bracelet from BaubleBar is a perfect addition to your snarky pal’s stacked wrist. If you say this more than once a day, you should probably buy it. There are also a few more trendy sayings if you’re one of those girls who actually can even. But I’m not.

What are you buying your besties this Christmas? Let me know!

That’s all for meow!

For more Sweet Cats!, follow along at:


Monday’s Musings + Cyber Monday at Marley Lilly

Hey Cats!

I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving! Mine would have been a little better had the Aggies beat LSU, but it was a great time to rest and be with my family! But now I’m back at school with the end in sight! I have a super busy week ahead with a test and final paper due, but I also have my sorority’s semi-formal on Friday, so that will be a great way to end a crazy week!

As we all know, I love clothes and I love to get dressed. Recently, I’ve found myself taking more and more risks with my ensembles, partly because I have more opportunities to wear real clothes, but also because I’m older and don’t really care what others think about what I’m wearing. If I like it, I’m going to wear it. I came across this quote on Pinterest, and it really just sums up my take on style at the moment.

dress like you're famous

I saw this and I instantly thought, “YES, obviously, this is how I want to live my life”. And then I wore fur to a football game and hot pink lipstick to school.

One way I like to dress like I’m “already  famous” is with fabulous accessories. I’ve been searching high and low for a neutral, crystal statement necklace to add to my single-girl closet, and I was pleasantly surprised to receive this gorgeous piece from Marley Lilly in the mail last week!

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Necklace c/o Marley Lilly

The best part? Marley Lilly is running a Cyber Monday special where you will receive this statement necklace for free with any $50 purchase- no coupon code required. So head over to Marley Lilly, stock up on monograms for Christmas presents (and yourself, duh), and score this piece to help you dress like you’re already famous. Sounds like a great Monday, doesn’t it?

That’s all for meow!

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