Girl’s Trip Must-Haves

Hey Cats!

Apologies for getting this up a day late! As per usual, my procrastination got the best of me, and Sunday night I was so exhausted and went to sleep at 10 pm instead of blogging. But! I’m planning on posting my regular three posts this week, so stay tuned!

Last week in my vacation recap, I promised a post detailing my Girl’s Trip Must-Haves. Miami was probably my favorite three days of the year, and going with my besties made it even better. After this, I am a firm believer in girl’s trips and am already saving for next year’s trip (or trips!). And I’m basically a girl’s trip professional. After 72 hours. Because of this, I’m going to tell you everything you need to have a fun, easy, and smooth vacation.


1. Friends

Okay, I mean obviously, but at least read the whole paragraph before you decide this is a stupid list. Truth is, the right friends are paramount to a good girl’s trip. I have a rule: never take trips with anyone you do not love. A couple of terrible weekends in college led me to this discovery, so since then I’ve been wary to just pack my bags and go. Make sure you’re not going to have to hold people’s hair back every night. Make sure you’re all on the same page about how much money you want to spend. Make sure you’re all okay with either having a plan or not having a plan for the trip. And most of all, make sure you’re able to stand the people for extended periods of time- because once you’re there, you’re stuck!

2. A Selfie Stick

I used to make fun of selfie sticks, but we brought one on our trip and they are SO FUN. Plus, everyone can be in every picture! We used it at the beach, on our balcony, and yes, even on the airboat tour. Like true millennials. HASHTAG SELFIE.

3. Groupon

Full disclosure: we were on a budget. A tight one. But! That definitely didn’t stop us from having an awesome time. We did everything we wanted to, and spent a reasonable amount of money. For every activity, we searched high and low for the best prices, using Groupon and other coupons to find the best deals. I probably spent a little over $500 for the whole trip (not including clothes HAHA), which is so great for a trip to Miami!

4. Cluster

Thanks to the selfie stick, we took an abundance of photos. Then we all liked each other’s photos better than our own, but sending mass amounts of pictures is annoying and takes so long. My friend Catherine told us about an app called Cluster, where you can just upload your photos to a private group, and everyone can have access to them! Now, we each have all of the photos from the trip to frame or ‘Gram at our discretion. Everyone wins!

5. Your sense of adventure! 

You may get lost in your rent car on the way to the Everglades. You may have to rearrange all of your plans at the last minute. You may get to do everything you want to do, and you may not! You may have to run through the Atlanta airport with moments to spare and eat box sandwiches at 10 pm. But it’s all part of the fun! I will always have wonderful memories from this trip, and it’s mostly because we went with the flow and kept our sense of adventure about us!

These are just a few things I’m glad we had on our trip! What are your girl’s trip must-haves? Let me know!

That’s all for meow!

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