Recipe: Sprinkle Cake

Hey Cats!

This past weekend, I had a family reunion with my dad’s side of the family. We have it every year, and I always love going! It’s great to see my family, plus there’s always really delicious food. I was talking to my dad a couple of days before and he asked me what I was going to bring. “Wait, what?” I’m still used to being a child and not having to bring food, but I guess since I’ve been a responsible adult for a full year, I’m capable of bringing some sort of dish to a function. So, I decided to make one of my favorite recipes that’s beyond easy but also delightful. And I made two, because I wanted to keep one for myself.

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Sprinkle Cake!! Y’all. This cake is probably my favorite. It’s simply a pound cake with sprinkles inside! Confession: I only make this to take somewhere when I know I will have plenty to bring home. Not a joke. I like to eat it for breakfast. It’s just SO GOOD. Also, people love it, because it’s fun! You know how people have “signature dishes” that they’re asked to bring to functions? I want this to be mine. “Kristen, bring that sprinkle cake, it’s so good!”. That is my dream.I clearly have too much time on my hands. So anyways, here’s how you make this:

I got this recipe from The Sweet {Tooth} Life, so I can’t really take credit, but I would love to share!

Here’s what you’ll need:

-1 cup (2 sticks) butter, softened

-1 cup of sugar

-4 eggs

-1 tsp vanilla extract

-1/2 tsp salt

-2 cups of flour

-1/2 cup rainbow sprinkles (I used Jimmies… I honestly hate that they’re called that so much but I couldn’t think of another way to explain them. Ugh Jimmies. Such a stupid name.)

Here’s what you’ll do:

1.First, cream together the butter and sugar in a large bowl.

2. Add eggs one at a time, beating thoroughly after each.

3. Mix in vanilla and salt until fully incorporated.

4. Add flour and stir until smooth!

5. Add the sprinkles and give it another stir

6. Transfer to a buttered & floured loaf pan

7. Bake at 350 degrees for one hour

8. Enjoy!

This is a great quick dessert to bring to an event, or for whenever you feel like something sweetie. Give it a try and let me know what you think!

That’s all for meow!

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Recipe-Cookie Butter Mug Cake

Hey Cats!

Yay Thursday, Yay weekend, Yay it’s almost my birthday! I’m headed to work early this morning, and then to East Texas around 2, and I can’t wait to see my family!

Also, last night I had the best time with a group of my friends. We all met in a Group Communication class our sophomore year, and it was definitely meant to be. We’re all different, yet similar at the same time, and it’s been wonderful getting to know them both in and outside of classes. It’s great to have friends in the same program, especially since a lot of people think that Communication majors don’t take their lives seriously (hi, we do.)…we share the same struggles with advisors, finding resume-boosting internships, and figuring out exactly what to do with our lives. They also all love Jesus, so it’s awesome to have friends to talk about the above-listed things from the same perspective. We got together last night and had a nice little chat, as we do every so often since we don’t have classes together much anymore, and it was such a treat!

You’re probably wondering where this cookie butter recipe is by now. But if you know cookie butter, you know it’s worth waiting for. College Station nor Tyler has a Trader Joe’s, so the last time I went to Houston to visit my bestie Ashley I begged to go, for the sole purpose of purchasing a jar of gold for myself. I typically eat it by the spoonful (just one at a time, obviously), but the other night I decided to get creative. I love mug cakes, and I love cookie butter, so I decided to combine the two. I loosely followed this recipe, but omitted the White Chocolate Wonderful because 1. I don’t even know what that is and 2. I obviously was fresh out.

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Please excuse the nibble taken out of the top…I had to see if it was done!

Here’s what you’ll need:

-4 tablespoons flour

-4 tablespoons sugar

-1/4 tsp baking soda

-1 egg

-2 tbsp Cookie Butter (I may have used a little less…this stuff is sacred)

-5 tbsp milk

Here’s what you do:

– Combine all the ingredients together in a bowl, using a whisk or a fork to make sure the cookie butter is fully incorporated. This may take a few minutes, and it will be pretty thin batter.

-Pour into a large mug- I used one of my faves, isn’t it beautiful?

-Microwave for about 2 minutes, or until firm.

Enjoy! You could also throw in some chocolate chips if you like! I ate this and watched the first RHONY reunion, which was anti-climactic. I just want to get to the part where we talk about Aviva throwing her leg. #bye.

That’s all for meow!

For more Sweet Cats!, follow along at:


Recipe- "In Mint Condition" Brownie Bites

Hey Cats!

So, I’m very excited to share this recipe with y’all! It came about when my mom asked me to bake brownies for dinner with some of my extended family. Instead of just making a pan of brownies like your average person, I decided to get a little creative. Also,we had a package of chocolate and mint chips, and I didn’t want to just mix them in the batter, so I melted them & drizzled it on top like ganache! Anyways, I’ll just go ahead & let you try them for yourselves!
Here’s what you’ll need:
1. A boxed brownie mix & all the ingredients needed to make the brownies. I used Pillsbury Chocolate Fudge, but you can use whatever! Or if you’re feeling super domestic, you can make the brownie batter from scratch!

2. One 10-ounce package of chocolate & mint chips. I used Nestle, but I think they might be a seasonal item, so if you’re not making this around Christmas, I think you can get Andes chips, which would probably work just as well!

3. A muffin tin
4. Pam or other non-stick cooking spray. (VERY important)

Here’s what you do:

1. Prepare the brownie mix according to the directions on the box.
2. Distribute evenly (mine was about two huge spoonfuls per hole) in a muffin tin coated VERY WELL in Pam. They stick a little no matter what, but I can’t imagine what would have happened if I didn’t use anything.
3. Bake at 350 for 12-15 minutes.
4. During the last few minutes of baking, melt half of the chocolate & mint chips, according to the directions on the package. For some reason, I expected it to be green since some of the chips were, but…it wasn’t.It was a light brown.

5. Once the brownies are done, go around the edge of each brownie with a knife to make sure they don’t stick. After they are cool, remove them from the muffin tins. You’ll probably have to use the knife again & be very careful so they don’t fall apart!
6. Drizzle each brownie with the chocolate. You can make designs if you have that kind of talent, and if you do, I applaud you. I always stick with the abstract look, it’s easier & perfection is optional :).
7. Enjoy! If you let the chocolate set a little, it turns into a ganache-like consistency and is extra delicious!

I really hope you try these, they’re super easy, but different from your average brownie! I have forbidden myself from going to Hobby Lobby until I finish my current project, so it might be a couple of days until I’m able to post again, but I promise it will be amazing! Until next time!